Our goal is to help men learn about Christ-likeness and how to apply it to their everyday lives.
Christ Quest Ministries has several ways that we do that. We have books, workbooks and DVDs, but our Christ Quest Institute (school) offers a deep-dive, graduate level way of teaching Christ-likeness.
Christ Quest Institute is broken down into 2 different options:
1. CQI Basic allows a student access to a portal where they can access classes and do their studies by themselves at their own pace.
2. CQI Plus is our hands on option offering the student to be placed into a group with 9 other men who meet twice a month as a Fellow Warrior to gain insight with a mentor as well as the community of those Fellow Warriors.
We always love it when we get feedback from those in our CQI+ program. We want to pass on these testimonies from some first year CQI+ Fellow Warriors:
“Some time back, when I called you for an appointment, I think I was at my lowest. My spirit was uncontrolled. I was bitter, angry and looking for an excuse to explode. I felt abandoned by God — alone. Really, just waiting to die. You invited me to join the class. Despite my condition, I jumped at it. It had been a long time since I was enrolled in Christ Quest Institute. But I still remembered what I was learning. That was, truthfully, likely the only thing I had going for me. My schedule being very busy, I have had trouble keeping up. But it is helping me to the degree that I feel better. I feel nicer, more calm, more peaceful, more patient with Diana. One of the things your lectures remind me of is how important, in God’s design, my wife is to me. In the CQI+ class we talk about things that God is orchestrating in my life, and then you help me see them as lessons from God. That makes me smile. I also am seeing how truly little I know myself. In my mind, I thought when its quiet at home, no big fights, I am doing good. Or how I am dealing with her response, not her heart, her spirit, which I have done so much damage to. How I fail to look at what God is trying to teach me. How I have been scared to trust God. But I am learning. Thank you.”
- Anonymous CQI+ student
“What the CQI+ Fellow Warriors class has meant to me:
It’s helped me see that I am not alone. It helps me see the others are also struggling. I have also learned from the struggles and experience of others. Sometimes I see that others are not seeing what they should see. I wonder if I too am not understanding or realizing what I should see and apply. It’s help me grow and learn and change.”
- Steve
“Going through this CQI+ class of Fellow Warriors has been an encouragement to me. Experiencing sharing times with other husbands and hearing some of their challenges and learning from the lessons, that the flesh is our common enemy has been very eye opening for me. After taking this course along with working with Ken for several years, I will never look at marriage the same again. I’m learning that I’ll be a Fellow Warrior for the rest of my life. Especially since learning what God says my responsibilities are in marriage — that has definitely changed. I am thankful for this ministry. As I continually realize how exhaustive and demanding the Christian journey is, how far and swift I tend to drift from Christ-likeness, how narrow the narrow path actually is, and my detailed need for community and biblical accountability, I must accept how critical like-minded fellowship is for my life. And that’s exactly what I find in the Christ Quest Institute Plus Fellow Warriors classes week after week. I’m grateful to God I found sustaining encouragement to maintain my course, the narrow path. I can’t imagine my life without this ministry.”
- Patrick
Tim and I have been conducting the Christ Quest Institute Plus Fellow Warriors classes online for nearly a year now. We’re very impressed and encouraged with the student’s determination to become Christ-like husbands.
The perk of our CQI+ classes is the exclusive group of men who meet online called Fellow Warriors. It is a place where 10 men are grouped together and have an opportunity to gather together for a time to share, inquire, and learn from the mentors two times a month.
Let me encourage you with some testimonials from some more of our Fellow Warriors:
“The CQI+ Fellow Warriors class has been very difficult, but very rewarding. It has helped me to see how hard my heart is and can be. Watching other men share their similar challenges and see them make personal strides toward a better relationship with the Lord and their wife has been encouraging to me. Using God’s Word, Ken and Tim have shown us the love of Christ and challenged us to be like Him.”
- Anonymous student
“Sometimes the demands of the Bible study homework can be demanding. Still, when I got into it, it has renewed my strength to continue. It has helped reveal my sin nature. Then Ken and Tim gave specific coaching so I could defeat it. Ken, Tim, thanks for showing us what love is.”
- Jim
“CQI has helped invaluably in having discussions that are emotionally transparent, but don’t get emotionally charged, and are far more synergistic.”
- Dan
“This last year has been a great experience with Christ Quest Institute Plus. Focusing on God’s perspective and the language of the human spirit have been a blessing to me and my family. Starting to understand God’s desire and design for marriage has been a spiritual dawning in my life. God is working on some heart/spirit, issues in my life. It is a very stretching experience for me. Because, if it wasn’t for Tim and Ken of the Christ Quest discipleship program encouraging me, I would miss learning to listen to my wife’s heart, her spirit. I’ve also been blessed to meet some great guys in the Fellow Warriors class. It’s very encouraging to share with others who also have a desire to grow in Christ-likeness. Keep up the good work Ken and Tim!”
- Shannon
What’s one of the biggest problems in marriages?
The problem is, we don’t consider that God purposefully made the differences between men and women.
God is not sitting up in Heaven, watching us display all of our differences, while saying, “Wow! Women really are different, aren’t they? I didn’t know that would be the case. Guys, I’m sorry. I apologize. Would you forgive me?”
God, obviously, does not need to apologize. And yet, let me share with you something that’s not commonly known but is very exciting. This is a principle you can build on: Because God loves us, the specific differences between men and women are meant to accomplish specific spiritual purposes in each of our lives.
All the differences are meant to prepare us spiritually for eternity. Each of the differences between men and women actually provide us with customized-by-God answers for life.
We Christians are supposed to utilize those differences. When we do, we’ll discover that the differences are actually resources from God, assisting us to learn about godliness. As we learn the differences, we will actually discover specific answers and benefits for life. It’s also an enormous help in raising boys (little men) and girls (little women) while they are growing up.
So, is it true? Can conflicts in marriage help us become spiritually, more mature? Can we really discover God’s ways to a greater degree simply by understanding the differences between men and women?
That question is answered with a resounding, “YES!”