Advancing the Prosperity of our Member Businesses and the Vitality of the Area.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Downtown Hotel for Owatonna Announced at Council
A new Marriott Courtyard was announced at City Council today (10/20/20) by Hamilton Real Estate Group CEO Mac Hamilton. The hotel will take up half of the 200 block of North Cedar and wrap around Pearl Street.
Plans also include a new restaurant in the former Jerry's location and a spot for Old Town Bagels in or near their current location. Construction could start as soon as summer of 2021 and is targeted for a June 2022 open date. FULL STORY
State Bonding Brings Positive Impact to Owatonna Businesses
The $1.8B bonding bill passed both the House and Senate (10/15/20) in St. Paul. The jobs and infrastructure bill has far reaching impacts through the state of Minnesota, including here in the Owatonna area.
First, for businesses, section 179 conformity is something businesses along with chambers have been pushing for years and it was passed in this bill.FULL BLOG POST
State Candidates tackle Bonding, Police Funding
During Monday's State Representative Forum, both Petersburg & Jasinski backed the bonding bill. Read the Full Storyon pandemic decisions and defunding the police.
Driven to Help Their Employees
When the Covid-19 Pandemic struck, like a lot of companies, one of the first things Owatonna Motor Company did was check all their expenses. Some cuts were made. One thing they didn’t cut was their employee’s hours, in fact they guaranteed their full-time employees a 40 hour work week. READ FULL STORY
Laundry Room to Industrial Park-Husband/Wife Team Manufacture Success
Celebrating Manufacturing week in Owatonna, this is the 3rd of 3 videos about successful Owatonna manufacturers. Watch Video
President Updates:
By: Brad Meier, President/CEO
Check out the newest United Way of Steele County video (featuring our Workforce Coordinators daughter!): What Does United Way Do?
Owatonna Business Partnership's Shop Local, Eat Local, Shop Owatonna "EVERY PURCHASE MATTERS"! Starting on Black Friday & Shop Small Saturday thru December 20th at Downtown Owatonna in participating businesses. (Pictured)
Thank You to Mayor Kuntz who signed a Proclamation in honor of Manufacturing week.
On November 3rd, District 761 is asking to renew the operating levy. Read all the details HERE.
Due to social distancing requirements, the Lighted Holiday Parade is postponed to 2021. (There will be additional lights in Central Park this year)
October Business After Hours may be rescheduled due to the cold temperatures.
50 Words for $50 Feature a special offer, an upcoming event or company information--but it must be 50 words. The cost to participate is $50 per week.
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320 Hoffman Drive. 507.451.7970.
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