Submit comments on a harmful proposal, prepare for August recess, and more!
Submit comments on a harmful proposal, prepare for August recess, and more!
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June 27, 2019 | Volume 23, No. 6 | Archives
Take Action Against a Proposal That Creates Homelessness!
What Is Being Proposed?
The proposed rule would prohibit families that include someone who is undocumented from living in public and other subsidized housing, despite the fact that ineligible immigrants are already not allowed to benefit from federal housing subsidies. The rule would directly affect over 100,000 people through evictions and put tens of thousands of families and children at increased risk of homelessness.
What Can I Do?
Submit comments! Our partners at the National Low Income Housing Coalition and the National Housing Law Project have numerous resources, fact sheets, social media guides, templates, and instructions for commenting. We also encourage you to use our comment letter as a guide for your own letter. Cut and paste what is useful and make them your own. Comments are due by July 9, 2019. The more comments submitted, the more powerful a statement we can make against this harmful proposal.
Submit Comments
In Case You Missed It
Last month we covered this proposed rule and three others open for comment this summer that impact our work to end homelessness. Learn more about the federal rule-making process, how to take action, and the current proposals open for comment in our previous Mobilizer.
Stay Tuned
On July 16, we will release an extra edition of Mobilizer with guidance for submitting comments on another proposed rule that would weaken access to shelter for LGBTQ people (comment deadline TBD) and a proposed rule that would roll back protections for LGBTQ and other vulnerable patients in health care (comments due August 13).
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Connect with Congress Over August Recess!
This August, members of Congress will take a month-long break from their work in D.C. to spend time in their home states and districts. This is a great time to invite your member of Congress to visit your program, speak with them in their local office, or attend an event or town hall. The meetings that take place over recess inform the work in Congress over the remainder of the year. Hence, these interactions are important opportunities to keep homelessness, health care, and housing on Congress’s packed agenda!
Take Action: Meet with Your Member: Invite your member to visit and tour your program. You can also meet with them in their local office. Submit a scheduling request through their website or by calling the local office—find website and contact info here.  Here is an example invitation letter and directives for setting up a meeting. Not sure what to talk about or how to get started? Reach out, and we can consult with you on the scheduling process and share resources to prepare you for a meaningful discussion.  
Take Action: Attend a Local Event or Town Hall: Join events in your area. Find them through Town Hall Project or by checking notices on your member’s website. While at these events, ask questions about how they plan to address homelessness in their state/district.
Candidate Corner
Candidate Corner
Introducing a *new* section of Mobilizer! Coming up on election season, we will compile the latest and need-to-know news about candidates and their work on poverty and homelessness. If you see anything relevant about your state and local candidates, forward it to us to be featured in an upcoming Mobilizer. Note: as a non-profit organization, the Council is not endorsing any candidate.
Summer Solstice
Photo credit: Deidre Young
Summer Solstice Success Celebrations honor the achievements and strengths of people who have overcome homelessness while proclaiming that this experience does not define them. Each community chooses to celebrate in their own way. 7hills in Arkansas held a retreat for their supportive housing clients, while Health Care for the Homeless - Houston held a dinner and awards ceremony for the community, which was attended by a city councilperson and both of the new Homeless Outreach Team (HOT) police officers (Houston event pictured). Each Summer Solstice event reaffirms our knowledge that affordable housing, adequate incomes, comprehensive health care, and supportive services can end homelessness, not only for individuals, but also for society. Read our Summer Solstice Advocacy recommendations. 
What We're Reading
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Regina Reed, MPH
National Health Policy Organizer
National HCH Council
Baltimore, MD
(443) 703-1337 
This publication and all HCH advocacy are funded by dues from Organizational Members of the Council and by private donations. Consider joining the Council to support this work.
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