Welcome Rev. Alison Miller

The Ministerial Search Committee is thrilled to announce that we have a candidate for our new senior minister, who we are convinced will be phenomenal for First Unitarian Church now and into the future. Her name is Rev. Alison Miller. You might recognize her from her sermon from the last General Assembly in Portland or from her campaign for UUA President in the last election. She will be here with us May 15th through May 22nd for Candidating Week, along with her husband David Snedden and their son Asher. During that week, she will preach both Sundays, take part in Family Worship, and meet with congregants and our staff to begin relationships. Her time here will culminate in a congregation-wide vote to call her as our new senior minister. 
A lifelong UU, Rev. Alison grew up in a large congregation and has served internships, summer ministries, and assistant ministries in large churches in NYC and Tulsa. She also has deep experience working in RE and with youth and young adults. She works well and meaningfully with all generations. 

Her energy, joy, and vision for how we as a congregation and as a faith move forward are inspiring. She brings a strong combination of skills in homiletics and preaching, stewardship, and interfaith and community organizing work for social justice and equity. Her outgoing ministry has been a long and successful one–17 years in Morristown, NJ. She is looking forward to a second long-term pastorate here with us.

Please join us for a joint Board and MSC forum on Zoom on April 10th at 1:30 p.m. Among other things, we will be sharing information about Candidating Week in May.

To read much more about Rev. Alison, please visit her website at revalisonmiller.com

We want to say thank you to our staff, our congregants, our Board, and the UUA Transitions Office for the parts you all played in this search. We are so happy with the process and the outcome, and we look forward to welcoming Rev. Alison Miller and her family!

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