Where you come for your stress-busting tips and resources!
Stress-buster of the week
Sleep is so important - we can't stress that enough! Not getting enough quality sleep can lead to lowered brain function and short-term memory loss, among others. Many people think sleeping is just about physically getting into bed and closing your eyes, but it's more than that. It should also begin two hours before you fall asleep, so your body and brain can wind down and prepare for rest. This week's stressbuster tip is to wind down two hours (or at least an hour) before you sleep. Check out our website for more information on how to get better sleep. You can also sign up for our Refresh Sleep program here - but hurry because today is the LAST DAY for registration!
Wellapalooza, Student Wellness' bi-annual wellness fair, is this Wednesday, 12 October, from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM on Eckhart and Ryerson Quads. The theme this Autumn is “Let’s Get Connected!” It's a great opportunity to connect with campus resources, (re)connect with the campus community, and learn more tools to promote your health and wellbeing. We will have pumpkin decorating, flu shots (no appointment necessary!), interactive tables, lawn games, and more! There will also be Zumba at noon and Yoga by Yoga Six at 12:30! More information here.
Study Break Quiz of the Week
Refresh Sleep aims to provide College and graduate students with the skills and strategies to achieve more restful nights. It is a seven week-long course delivered via email with important information and tips that have been proven to help improve sleep. Students are encouraged to spend at least thirty minutes per week engaging with the program. Register for the fall session.
Take 10 is an initiative intended to encourage all members of the UChicago community to rest and connect with others. Join us to participate in Take 10 events from 12:30-2:30 across campus this Autumn Quarter! Drop by and take a break with us!
Mindfulness Meditation classes include instruction and practice of mindfulness meditation and mind/body techniques to help reduce stress. Register for our Basics Mindfulness Meditation class today!
Wellness Coaching allows students to examine their strengths with a wellness coach to navigate transitions and achieve desired changes they’d like to make in their lives. Students interested in individual coaching may sign up here. More details can be found on our website. To schedule an initial appointment, students should log into my.WellnessPortal to schedule their initial session.
Let's Talk provides easy access to free, informal, and confidential consultations with therapists from UChicago Student Wellness. No appointment is necessary. In-person sessions are held throughout Fall Quarter. Let's Talk has more information.
Buddy Up offers graduate and professional students the opportunity to join a network of peers wanting to meet with students across campus. Students are paired up with a new buddy every two weeks. Students may register here or email Carolyn Banner at cbanner@uchicago.edu with questions.
Walking Buddies connects students with other students from their neighborhood who are interested in walking or running for fun. Open to all current graduate and professional students, you will connect with a walking or running buddy with similar goals. Sign up, or contact Carolyn Banner with any questions.
Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College (and Graduate) Students (BASICS) is for those who want to examine their substance use behaviors in a non-judgmental environment. Interested students may schedule an appointment through my.WellnessPortal.
Food Security Resources provide short-term support for students experiencing difficulties with food access. Please reach out if you or someone you know is worried about running out of food, skipping meals, etc. Graduate and Professional Students can contact Student Support Service studentsupport@uchicago.edu, and Undergraduate Students can contact the Center for College Student Success ccss@uchicago.edu. You can also apply for grocery vouchers here.
FitChicago offers an array of fitness opportunities for you seven days a week. Everything from foam roller classes to Zumba! Check out the Autumn Quarter class offerings and schedule here.
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