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Healthier U e-Newsletter | Summer 2024

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new e-newsletter, Wellness in the Workplace! Explore this newsletter and take advantage of the many health and wellness opportunities that are available.


Water Safety Tips

  • Drowning can occur in as little as 2" water
  • Never take your eyes off children in or around ANY kind of water (e.g., pools, kiddie pools, toilets, car washing buckets etc.)

For more water safety tips, visit What to Know About Water Safety.

Heart Safety Tips

  • Pace yourself during warm weather
  • Hydrate and eat water-rich foods
  • Check with your doctor before participating in strenuous activities
For more heart safety tips, visit 10 Tips on Summer Heart-Safety.

Sun Safety Tips

  • Sunscreen doesn't last all day - reapply!
  • 5 seconds, 5 minutes or 5 hours - there's no safe exposure level
  • Swim shirts are in! 

For more sun safety tips, visit What to Know About Sun Safety.

Travel Safety Tips
  • Pack sunscreen, allergy & pain medication(s)
  • Bring card(s) stating medical conditions & medical contact #'s
  • Carry a list of your regular medications/dosages
To explore NYSHIP's worldwide coverage, visit On The Road.
A HEALTHIER UNIVERSITY BEGINS WITH A HEALTHIER U! This is a ciompliation of pohotos showcasign healthy lifestyle choices such as exercise, mindfulness and healthy eating.


It's the Little Things

Overwhelmed with the idea of working out? Start small! Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sports-like exercise (or sleeping/eating). Add some NEAT to your day:
  • Pick a parking spot that’s farther away
  • Pace/stand while on the phone
  • Take the stairs
  • Have “walking meetings” when possible


How to Have a Calm, Cool & Collected Summer!

Explore all that Healthier U and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) have to offer - from guided meditations to mindful moments, from journaling workshops to walking programs, from relaxation resources to nutrition tips and much, much more! Visit https://www.stonybrook.edu/healthieru/programs/


NEW Healthier U & EAP Coordinator, Lisa M. Owens, M.S.

Lisa comes to Healthier U excited & dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyle choices for faculty & staff. Also joining Alexis Rodgers as a confidential, voluntary EAP resource, you’ll find Lisa tabling on both sides of campus and at tertiary sites. Keep an eye out for Lisa's upcoming Meet Your New Colleagues feature!


Summer Watermelon Feta Salad

Check out the refreshing Summer Watermelon Feta Salad Recipe shared by Grace Daly, Graduate Assistant in Stony Brook Medicine (SBM) Nutrition Division, and Lindsey Schassberger, SBM Nutrition Division Volunteer.

Let Us Know What You Think!

What makes for a healthier, happier YOU? How do you balance work at Stony Brook with being well? Have a refreshing recipe or NEAT tip to share? Let us know @ healthieru@stonybrook.edu and we may include you in our next newsletter!

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An innovative wellness program designed to address
your total well-being — mind, body and spirit.
A healthier university begins with a healthier YOU!
A program designed to offer people with personal challenges,
including work-related stress, confidential and highly professional
assessment, referral and consultation services.
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