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Feeling Humanized

Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission: Feeling Humanized 

At Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission, we advance our mission of transforming lives by the power of God and seek to activate God-given potential by serving homeless, hungry, and hurting adults in Philadelphia through loving, compassion-based programs and services.
Feeling Humanized
We thank Epic Church who created this beautiful story.  They captured our mission of fostering an authentic community where people experiencing homelessness can find stability.
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Joseph Gonzalez: Spiritual Care Coordinator

Meet our New Spiritual Care Coordinator

Spiritual Care Coordinator is a weighty title, but Joseph doesn't press it on others. He explains his job as much less of a job and much more of a passion.
"My job? Giving our men opportunities to have a personal relationship with God through activities and worship." 
Joseph graduated from Clark Summit University with a degree in Bible and Intercultural Studies with a dream to make his way to Philadelphia to preach in the streets, but God had other plans and he found his way to Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission, and we are so happy he did. 
"I think it's important that each man have a restored relationship with God, restored relationships with those in their lives, and an understanding that they are not defined by their past."
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Mission Success Story: Joseph

Mission Success Story

Joseph was struggling with alcoholism for most of his life. He lost his father to alcoholism when he was just 6 years old. But alcohol never dulled the pain of the series of events that brought him to Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission. 
After 36 years of installing carpet and flooring, Joseph lost his job. Shortly after, he got divorced which strained his relationship with his son. Joseph needed to get away. He made his way to Atlantic City where he slept under the boardwalk before making his way to a local shelter. However, he was turned away since he wasn't from Atlantic City. 
Joseph made his way back to Philadelphia searching for help. Instead, he found out his brother passed away. Soon after he was checked into Friends Hospital where he got back on his medications and they brought him to Sunday Breakfast. 
Now, Joseph is working with a Case Manager to help him get a place of his own. While at Sunday Breakfast, he volunteers in the kitchen and dining as he works towards meeting his goals. 
"I don’t feel even the need to drink anymore. My goal is to be the Joseph I was when I wasn’t drinking, so I can be a great father to my son.”
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Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission exists to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the homeless and disadvantaged in the Philadelphia area.  
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