Busy Winter, Welcoming Spring
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Our Students Shine at NYU Student Affairs Conference
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Students, faculty, and staff at the conference
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NYU has now resumed in-person conferences, and the Association of Student Affairs Professionals (ASAP), along with the NYU Division of Student Affairs hosted the Student Affairs Conference at NYU on February 17, with over 500 student, faculty, and staff attendees. In its 21st year, the conference was a wonderful opportunity for student affairs practitioners to meet, grow, reflect, assess, connect, and empower, with several of our students having the opportunity for their first conference presentations.
Annie Cassutt, a second-year MA student, said, “I had a great experience presenting at the NYU Student Affairs Conference. It was my first time presenting so I was a little nervous, but we ended up having a really great discussion with the folks who attended our presentation about rural students. It was quite fulfilling seeing people take interest in an area of higher education that I care so much about!"
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Abagail Watford and Annie Cassutt
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Stephanie Valentino and Stephanie Bautista
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Professor Mike Funk Wins Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Faculty Award
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Professor Mike Funk, director of the Higher Education and Student Affairs program, was awarded The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Faculty Award earlier this month for his work and scholarship on equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Professor Funk says of the award, "Being a recipient of the MLK Faculty Award is quite meaningful for me. As a life-long educator, being acknowledged for the impact that I have had on students is the most validating form of recognition. Moreover, the namesake of the award represents one of the most honorable and dedicated human rights activists in our nation's history. For these reasons, I consider it a lifetime achievement award. The award is also a call to continue to do the necessary work that is needed to positively transform the college campus so it can serve as a place that is enriching, supportive, and equitable for the students we serve."
On behalf of all Higher Education students, thank you Professor Funk!
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In January, a group of NYU students visited Türkiye, with Professors Ann Marcus and Teboho Moja, to gain a deeper understanding of higher education systems abroad. Students visited Istanbul, Ankara, and Cappadocia, where they were able to meet with higher education leaders, policy makers, and students to learn more about educational opportunities.
In the LOOP would like to recognize the devastation of the earthquakes in both Türkiye and Syria. To learn more about how you can help, The New York Times and Charity Navigator both maintain updated lists of highly rated charities providing relief and recovery to the victims.
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In the LOOP would like to spotlight current student Yael Titelman. Yael is a first-year, full-time masters student in the Higher Education and Student Affairs program and an international student from Chile. Her background is in clinical psychology and she worked as a counselor at Universidad Catolica de Chile for four years before pursuing an education at NYU. In the last decade, Chile has seen significant diversification in the student body which motivated Yael to extend her scope of expertise to promote socially impactful practices in higher education institutions. Now she is living out her dream of living in New York City while also furthering her personal commitment to higher education.
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Recruitment and Orientation Events in March
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HESA Recruitment Days are coming up soon! With new master's program applicants from around the world, recruitment will take place in a hybrid model this year, with over 50 applicants taking part in this exciting interview process. On March 9 and 10, both virtual and in person sessions will be taking place, with an in-person social at 7:00 p.m. on March 9.
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In the LOOP will be looking for a new Editor and Assistant Editor after this semester, when we both graduate. If interested, please fill out this form.
We are delighted to be bringing this edition of In the LOOP to your inboxes.
Please pass along any career updates/milestones, or nominate a colleague for a spotlight by reaching out to the Editorial Team at intheloop@nyu.edu or to one of us directly (emails below).
- Alana Cohen, Editor, and Hannah Ford, Assistant Editor
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