Don't Forget Tonight!! Wednesday Re:Treat Lay Leadership/Nominations committee will meet tonight after the fellowship meal.
To reserve your meal for next Wednesday, March 8, click here.
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Our Lenten journey has begun. I hope part of your Lenten discipline will be a commitment to worship. Each Sunday of Lent, we will meet individuals in the Gospel of John whose face to face encounters with Jesus helped them understand what it means to make a shift, to release, so that they could joyously receive the gospel message. This Sunday, we meet Nicodemus who comes to Jesus in the night and continues to pop up throughout the gospel.
-Pastor Dawn
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Lent Pop-up Book Club: Lent is the perfect season to dive into some reading that may push us out of our comfort zones. If you are looking for something during this Lenten season to engage, join us in reading “The Cross and the Lynching Tree” by James H. Cone. Pick up a copy of the book, read through Lent, then join your church family for food, fellowship, and conversation Wednesday, April 5 in the Garden multipurpose room. Bring a snack to share. Drinks will be provided.
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Volunteer tomorrow with PHUMC at East Flora Elementary for Read Across America Day! We will lead activities and read a special story to their two Kindergarten classes. Meet at the church at 11:00 am. Wear your PHUMC t-shirt if you have one.
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Thanks to several women of the church aiding with planning, our PHUMC Women’s Ministry has some exciting spring dates for your calendar. The mission of the Women’s Ministry at Parkway Hills UMC is to provide opportunities for creating community for the women of the church and to reflect on what the women of the church can offer to the Madison County community. Take a look at the dates, check your calendar, and come connect with your church family and reach out in service.
Thursday, March 23: Night Out at Sal & Phil’s @ 6 pm (6600 Old Canton Road, Ridgeland). Dinner and door prizes!! A great night to invite a friend.
Saturday, April 15: Tentative Day of Service (more info to come!)
Sunday, April 23: Our Nadia Bolz-Weber watch party last year was a hit, so we are having another, this time with Kate Bowler. Join us in the worship center at 6:45 the evening of Sunday, April 23. Bring a snack to share and we will watch the livestream of Kate Bowler sharing at the Renew conference. For more info, click here.
Or check out her blog https://katebowler.com/blog/
Friday, May 5: Second Annual Women’s Ministry Plant Swap @ 6 pm. Thanks to Rebecca Olack for offering to be the host.
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Camp Night with Camp Wesley Pines has been rescheduled to March 8. Join us for our Wednesday night Re:Treat meal and explore activities and games as the CWP staff joins us for the evening. This is a great night to attend if your child is considering attending Camp Wesley Pines this summer.
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Pick up your Lenten Jar for your family today, and help our Children's Ministry collect coins for the Webster Animal Shelter. See Haven to get your family jar. The children chose the Webster Animal Shelter because of their love and care for animals that do not have homes yet. The Lenten Jars were designed by our Children on the Wednesday Re:Treat Art Night.
If you'd like to match the children's donation, or assist in giving to the Webster Animal Shelter,
contact Pastor Haven or give through our Vanco Mobile App.
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As we prepare for our Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 2, we need your help collecting candy and plastic eggs. You can bring the eggs pre-filled with candy or bring in candy or egg donations separately. Please have plastic eggs and candy donations in by Sunday, March 26. For more information about this event or ways to donate, contact Pastor Haven.
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PHUMC Kids enjoyed a picnic on the church grounds and then went to the Mississippi Children's Museum for an afternoon of fun Sunday.
-Pastor Haven
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| -Monthly homework night after dinner tonight; bring your books!
-This week at Engage we'll hear from Kyle
Bryant, of University of Alabama Baptist Campus Ministries, and Geoff's college classmate! Bring your questions about worship, faith after high school, and knowing Geoff that long.
-Looking for a chance to serve during spring break? Join us as we serve at Grace Place on March 15. Meet at PHUMC at 7am; bring money for lunch after.
-Our spring read spiritual formation books are now available for $10. This year those wanting to take an extra step are reading NT Wright's Surprised by Hope. Click here to purchase a copy.
-Adults, is your next faithful step serving with our youth ministry? We have lots of ways to get plugged in! To volunteer with youth activities, sign up to help here.
-We're headed back to Panama City Beach, July 2-7! Registration is $380, and a $50 deposit secures your spot. Click here to make a payment, or contact Geoff for more info.
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PHUMC's New Little Free Library
Thanks to Tatia Kiser, Parkway Hills UMC has our very own Little Free Library! This will be a great addition to our beautiful campus and another layer of hospitality to those who find their way to PHUMC.Take a look at the message below from Tatia to get all the info, tell her “Thank you!” when you see her, and get to reading!
"This past fall, I applied for a grant from the Mississippi Library Commission for a Little Free Library to be located at PHUMC for the community. We were recently awarded the grant and after consultation with Pastor Dawn and our Trustee committee the Madison County Library System delivered a library kit to be housed on our church campus! Thanks to Bill Flynn for installing the unit! The Little Free Library foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to be a catalyst for building community, inspiring readers, and expanding book access through a global network of volunteer-led Little Free Libraries.
The Little Free Library motto is "Take a Book, Leave a Book, Love a Book, Keep a Book." Feel free to borrow, donate, read, and enjoy! The Madison County Library System will be occasionally checking in on the unit and we will be having a LFL Grand Opening in the coming weeks. The library location will also be listed on the LFL website." -Tatia
If you have any questions or a large amount of books to share, contact Tatia Kiser.
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This morning Juliet Huam and Jeannie Chunn served muffins and coffee to a Grace Place guest. PHUMC Homeless Ministry volunteers go to Grace Place at Galloway UMC on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Like to join us? Contact Juliet.
| Meeting This Week:
Wednesday Re: Treat: fellowship meal tonight at 5:30; activities at 6:20
Leadership/Nominations committee meets tonight at 6:20
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am. Join them in the Garden Room or via Zoom. **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635 New Password: 142295
Handbell practice 9:00 am Thursday in Choir Room.
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am. Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting ID number) Password: PHUMCLADY Women of ALL ages are always welcome!
Choir: 5:30 pm practice this Sunday.
ENGAGE: 5:30-7:30 pm Sunday in the Youth Suite.
Prayer Quilt Ministry: meets every Monday from noon until 3:00 pm.
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Year to Date, January 2023
Income: $45,451.64
Expenses: $44,938.22
February Communion offering for Backpack Buddies: $819.00
March Communion Offering supports UMCOR, United Methodist Committee On Relief.
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