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Growth. Possibility. Inspiration
These are the words that most aptly describe ARC's journey in 2013. As the oldest grass-roots animal rights group in the country, we've seen our cultural relationship to our treatment of animals shift and go through many stages and we've been there, helping to shape and move this process forward.

Please check out our colorful Annual Report to see how 2013 was an outstanding year in terms of reaching a record number of people with the message that animals matter for their own reasons.
Photo of Chicken Run Rescue tour
You haven't really picnicked until you've picnicked with a chicken
Touring Chicken Run Rescue
On a couldn't-ask-for-better weather Saturday in June, a group of not-quite-vegans (and the vegans who brought them as guests) had the pleasure of enjoying a private tour of the best chicken rescue in the Midwest: Chicken Run Rescue (CRR).

Everyone in the group got to spend lots of time with the birds, learn about chickens and many of the individual birds' stories, and feed  the birds lots of yummy, healthy snacks. Our goal of having everyone hold at least one bird during their visit met with 100% success, and both the birds and people seemed to enjoy the bonding time immensely. Kaity said: "This was a great experience. I loved holding the chickens and seeing their unique personalities. I definitely learned a lot about the perils of egg-laying as well. Thank you!"

We're grateful to CRR for partnering with us on this tour and plan to do more tours with them in the future. Please watch Minneapolis Vegan Meetup for future chicken visit opportunities and plan to bring a friend who is sitting on the vegan fence.
Photo of rain garden with Minnesota native plants
Rain Garden with
Minnesota native plants
Sustaining Wildlife with Native Plants
The book Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants by Douglas W. Tallamy is a must read if you're interested in sustainable gardening. Among other things, it discusses how much insects need native plants and how much a balanced ecosystem needs insects. Insects can eat non-native plants but will die because they can't digest them chemically. If the insects die, birds and other animals can't feed their young, and then these birds and animals will die off also.

Non-native plants are out of sync with local growth and bloom cycles, and wildlife needs plants with local genotypes or the whole feeding cycle gets thrown off. Good nurseries are becoming more aware of these issues and one thing you can do to help keep the ecosystem balanced is to avoid buying plants at big-box stores, which typically import plants from other parts of the country, and instead buy from local nurseries and stores that carry native plants and are knowledgeable about them.
In memory of Beverlie Karrel and her love for all animals.
Want to Help Animals?
Join the ARC In Action meetings on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at Ethique Nouveau, our combination office and vegan store at 317 W 48th St. in Minneapolis. You don't have to be vegetarian or vegan to participate. You'll be welcome no matter where you are in your journey. We'd like to get to know you, and the animals need your help. If you can't make it to a meeting, fill out our online volunteer form.
Photo of Boycott Petland banner
All Day Petland Protest in St. Paul
Saturday, July 12, 10:00am-6:00pm, 2123 Old Hudson Road, St. Paul (on the public land between the frontage road and the parking lot)
Spend an hour or two at the all day Petland Protest at the St. Paul location and help us send a message to boycott Petland until they stop selling animals from commercial breeders. Volunteer for a shift or two at Minnesota Animal Rights Meetup. The animals need you to help educate the public on their behalf. (Please remember that we do not park or trespass in the Petland parking lot. Parking is available in the St. Paul Youth Services lot to the north of the strip mall.)
Help Injured and Orphaned Wildlife at the Cuddle Coats Prep Party
Saturday, July 19, 1:00-3:00pm, 
Ethique Nouveau, 317 W 48th St., Minneapolis

We're receiving lots of fur donations for our Cuddle Coats program and would like to ship them to our wildlife rehabilitation partners as soon as possible. Help prep furs and accessories for shipment at the prep party. Sign up at Minnesota Animal Rights Meetup.
Animal Rights Coalition
317 West 48th Street Minneapolis, MN 55419 612.822.6161
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