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Bulletin, September 30, 2016 
Volume 36, #6
In our weekly e-Bulletin, calendar updates and reminders, game information (including departure and return times), events, and, sometimes, longer articles will now be accessible via links. We welcome your feedback on this format! Please email comments to

College Meetings

An admissions representative from UMass-Amherst will visit us on Tuesday, October 4th at 9 AMCollege meetings are open to juniors and seniors and take place in the space in front of Mr. Gay's office. Please see the calendar for future college meetings.

7th & 8th Grade Parent Roundtable with Melissa Miller, PhD
October 4, 7 to 8:30 PM at Greenfield Community College

We invite all parents of 7th and 8th grade students to join our School Counselor and Psychological Consultant, Dr. Melissa Miller, along with Dean of Students Nora Bates Zale, for an open-ended discussion about the developmental stages of students at these grade levels. We will meet in the MacLeish Meeting Room in the Main Building on GCC's campus (3rd floor, room C307, near the library). Melissa will touch upon several topics and frequently asked questions that pertain to adolescents of this age bracket, and also address any questions or concerns that parents may have about their child's social-emotional development.


The Academy Parents Council (APC) Pie Bee

Instead of two pie bees, parents are invited to join forces and take advantage of the pie baking capacity of The Academy's kitchen on one night, Thursday, October 6, from 6 to 9 PM.
If you have not already signed up and are able to bake pies for the Academy Parents Council (APC) - sponsored Pie Sale at the Ashfield Fall Festival, please contact Diane Bigelow. Pie tins and boxes are available for pick up at school. Once signed up, a communication will be sent directly to participants. Plan to bring apples and a rolling pin to the pie bee!

Mountain Day
Coming Soon to an Academy Near You!

Though the precise date of Mountain Day will remain top secret to students and families until the evening just prior, it is likely to occur in the coming weeks. Because such nebulously-timed events are difficult to plan for, we want to make sure families are prepared to supply their students with proper hiking footwear, layers of clothing, water bottles, and lunches that don't require refrigeration or microwaving (and make sure to include all utensils!).  

How Does Our Garden Grow?

Thanks to a generous grant from the Greenfield Garden Club, the volunteer efforts of parents, and the work of students supervised by Mr. Langston, new raised beds were built and planted last spring. Mr. White tended the garden all summer and despite the dry growing season, the harvest has been bountiful! The root vegetables and greens harvested this week will support both our lunch program and our bi-weekly volunteer efforts at the community suppers at Trinity Church in Shelburne Falls.

Blood Drive - October 14

The Red Cross returns to campus for their twice yearly Blood Drive at The Academy! The Blood Drive will be held on Friday, October 14, from 1 to 6 PM. Students will be bringing home donor forms (and parental consent forms, for students age 16), with the goal of every student finding at least one person to donate blood. Appointments can be made by filling out the donor form and turning it in to the Main Office, or by calling the Main Office during regular business hours, or by visiting the Red Cross Blood Drive appointment page and entering our zip code. Baked goods for donors are also a high priority, so there are ways for everyone to lend a hand. We appreciate in advance your support of this important service event!

Thursday, October 27, 3:30 - 5 PM:
End of Season Sports Celebration!!

Please come out and join our student athletes in celebrating the end of their fall seasons! Join your child in their activity for a bit or simply spectate as other students' parents jump in to kick a soccer ball around, do some yoga, or go for a jog to our upper field. We'll also spend time celebrating individuals and groups that
have done great work this fall.
Good weather (fingers crossed!) and snacks will round out the celebration. Contact John Schatz for more information.

An Academy Tradition:
Signing the Honor Code

Seniors look on as the rest of the student body, the faculty, and the staff sign the Honor Code. This solemn Academy tradition was undertaken on Thursday after a week of conversations, formal and informal, about the values implicit in the document and the meaning of an oath or a promise.

Studio Block Close Ups

Students in Synphany Bates Zale's Mosaics Studio Block create works of art with glass and ceramic tiles.
Celtic Band members practice a variety of jigs, reels, waltzes and hornpipes with Jon Weeks.
Students in George Langford’s Audio Collage Studio Block class, track bees to record the sound of their wings!  
Sports Recap Week of September 26
On Tuesday, the Boys JV Soccer team lost 3-2 to Eaglebrook at home. Raymond Mossman led the way with two goals, and Tucker Zakon Anderson had an assist. Nick Forbes and Noah Friedman-Kassis played aggressively at midfield, Zander Frangie had a strong game on defense, and Ben Brause-Breslow had several saves in goal.
The Girls JV Soccer celebrated their first win of the season Tuesday in their game vs the Mohawk JV squad. Due to illness, the girls had only 10 players so three of the players from the Mohawk Boys JV team volunteered to play for The Academy and acted as goalie and two subs. Goals were scored by Izzy Brenizer and Reuben (one of the Mohawk subs).  Everyone played very well despite missing many key players.
The Academy's Boys Varsity Soccer team and goalie Kyle Nitzsche logged their third consecutive shutout with 6-0 victory over Buxton School on Wednesday. Aiden Brenizer and Tucker Zakon-Anderson each had two goals, while Sam Zakon-Anderson and Nat Boyd-Owens also scored for Charlemont, and Henry Walker-West led the impressive defensive effort from the Aardvarks.
The Girls Varsity Soccer team defeated Buxton School 5-2 on Wednesday at home for their first win of the season. Charlemont was led by Ruby Chase, who had two goals, and Ella Deters, who had a goal and an assist. Emily Comeaux, who had a strong game on defense, and Saraphina Forman also scored for Charlemont.
The Cross-Country team raced at Four Rivers this week. The boys team finished fifth and were led by Patrick Osborne, who finished 23rd out of 71 male runners. Katie Tobits was the lone Aardvark girl racing, and she finished 33rd out of 55. The runners are looking forward to racing on their home course next week.

Long Term Substitute Search

We are looking for a long term substitute for Biology, Chemistry and Math while Mr. Miller is on Paternity Leave. Please click here for more information.

The Academy Parents Council (APC) Facebook Page

The Academy at Charlemont Parents Council Facebook Page is an online community created by Academy parents for parents of current Academy at Charlemont students. The page is open to anyone raising a child who is a student of the Academy, and gives us, as a group of people who live all over the Pioneer Valley and beyond, a way to connect virtually. In addition to parents, the Head of School and Dean of Students are also members. We welcome your comments, questions, shared photos, and other updates! 
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