OCTOBER 8, 2020

Tomorrow is a Staff Development Day

This is a reminder there will be no live Zoom learning on Friday, October 9, 2020.  Students are expected to do independent work during the day while teachers and paraprofessionals attend professional development training. Also, there will be no food delivery on Friday due to this event. 

Our Safe Return to School Plans

As families learned earlier this week, plans have been made for the phases scheduled for face-to-face learning. The dates are listed as anticipated as we will continue evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on our local community, and are prepared to make changes if deemed necessary. Any changes will not move the timeline up sooner but would delay the implementation of a phase. Families that have requested to return to in-person learning will receive all relevant information, including transportation details, prior to their return date. Our goal is to give at least two weeks notice to families. 

Anticipated Student Return Dates - For students that have opted in for in-person learning:

Phase 1 - 10/22/20- Integration A students at Southern, George Read, and William Penn; Communication and Social Learning (CASL) at Southern, Intensive Learning Center (ILC) at Southern
( The programs listed above in Phase 1 are special programs that students were in prior to COVID)

Phase 2 - 10/29/20- Students at Leach, Adult Integration at Leach, Colwyck Pre-K students (CEEP)

Phase 3 - 11/9/20- All Elementary Schools (all elementary students who are not in the special programs from Phase 1), Intensive Learning Center (ILC) at Gunning Bedford, Communication and Social Learning (CASL) students at Gunning Bedford, Integration B at George Read, identified classes at William Penn High School

Phase 4 - 11/30/20- All Middle Schools (all middle school students who are not in the special programs from Phase1 and 3) Wallace Wallin Intensive Learning Center (ILC), William Penn High Integration B  

*The majority of William Penn High School will continue virtual learning throughout the remainder of the first semester (January 29, 2021). The anticipated decision for the 2nd Semester will be communicated to families prior to winter break. 

If you are a family that is remaining in our Colonial Virtual Academy, we will continue to provide high-quality learning experiences for your child.   

Bring a Water Bottle!

When our students return to face to face instruction, they will be asked to bring in a non-glass water bottle, filled with water every day.  Please put your child’s name on the bottle with a label or tape. If needed, there will be small water bottles in the classroom to supplement their supply.    Of course, our Nutrition Services Department will be providing milk with all school breakfasts and lunches each day.  

Reminder- A Mask is a Must at Feeding Sites

When coming to our mobile feeding sites please remember faces masks are REQUIRED for anyone over the age of five. Social distancing should also be practiced when approaching the buses, so stay six-feet away from anyone other than your family. WE can help stop the spread of COVID-19 if  WE all work together! For bus schedules and times for food pick-up, check our website at www.colonialschooldistrict.org.

Health & Safety Guidelines for Students

Over the coming weeks, as Colonial Nation begins to see a return of students to the building for face to face instruction, it will take the Power of WE to make this transition a successful one.  Please read below for some tips on how  WE can work together to have a safe return to school.

Know Your COVID Status- Governor John Carney encourages all State of Delaware residents to know their status by participating in COVID-19 testing.  Students and families are encouraged to participate in COVID-19 testing at a local community site.  For your convenience, COVID-19 testing is available  within the Colonial School District:

Please Register for Testing by Following Directions on the Flyer Above!

Know Your Health Status - For students returning face-to-face, they will need to complete the daily health screener. prior to coming to school.  This screener will ask the two questions below.  Students/Families do not need to send screener results to their teacher or school nurse.  

Have you had close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) with a confirmed COVID-19 case?
Have you experienced any COVID-19 symptoms over the past 48 hours?

If you answer yes to either of these questions, students must NOT attend school at their building.  Families should contact their primary care physician to discuss the next steps and follow up with their school nurse.                                                          

Help Stop the Spread-Colonial Nation is working together to help “Stop the Spread.”  Together we must:
  • Wear a Face Covering at all times (except when eating and drinking). The mask should cover the face and nose.
  • Maintain a Social Distance of at least 6 feet 
  • Cover Your Coughs and Sneezes
  • Wash Your Hands/Use Hand Sanitizer
By working together, WE will continue to help protect the well-being of each other.

Tech Trouble?

If you need assistance with technology, devices or help with virtual learning, please visit http://www.colonialschooldistrict.org/technology-help/

Give Your Feedback

New Castle Land Preservation Taskforce has completed its Final Draft Report. Public comments will be accepted through November 4, 2020. The Colonial School District and surrounding communities are included in the report on page 11 under distribution channels. This is your opportunity to review the report and offer your feedback. See the announcement below:

New Castle County Land Preservation Task Force has completed its Final Draft Report.  Your input is extremely important, so make sure your voice is heard. Please go to New Castle County, DE Official Website; Click on Boards & Commissions; Click on Land Preservation Task Force; In the first paragraph Click on the word "Here". Read the entire report and send your comments to- parkplanning@nccde.org or Betsy Hatch, Land Use Department, New Castle County Government Center, 87 Read’s Way, New Castle, DE 19720. 

WE Will Keep You Informed

With some students returning to school, it is imperative that they know what to expect. The video below explains how to properly wear a face mask. Please have your child practice wearing a mask for a long period of time because that will be required in the classroom at all times except when eating or drinking.

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