Read about new health center partnership papers, HCH2017, webinars, & more.
Read about new health center partnership papers, HCH2017, webinars, & more.
Council News
June 2017
2017 National HCH Conference & Policy Symposium
HCH2017 Is Nearly Here:
Join Us in “Working Together for Access”
In just two weeks, we’ll convene in Washington, D.C., from June 21-24 to explore the future of Health Care for the Homeless at our 2017 National HCH Conference & Policy Symposium. If you haven’t registered yet, we invite you to join hundreds of your colleagues from across the HCH field for nearly 90 sessions in homeless health care, including 13 Pre-Conference Institutes and Learning Labs. Already planning to attend? We encourage you to make the most of your HCH2017 experience by engaging in opportunities to learn, network, and advocate such as our Clinicians’ Network Reception, Welcome Reception, site visits, on-site Technical Assistance, privately-funded ”Shining a Light on Housing and Health Care for All” Rally, and hill visits. We’ll see you in Washington, D.C.!
Figure from Paper
Council-CSH Report Shines a Light on Health Centers and Homeless Coordinated Entry Systems
The National Health Care for the Homeless Council has partnered with the Corporation for Supportive Housing to release a new brief detailing how health centers can partner with local coordinated entry systems to prioritize the most vulnerable individuals for housing. “Health Centers and Coordinated Entry: How and Why to Engage With Local Homeless Systems” provides health center program grantees with the necessary methods to forge partnerships with these systems, as well as case studies from the field to illustrate the effectiveness of such partnerships. Read this publication or other resources on our Permanent Supportive Housing page.
New Resource
New Publication Offers Resources for Health Center & Housing Partnerships
Created in partnership with the Corporation for Supportive Housing, the National HCH Council’s new “Resources for Building Health Center & Housing Partnerships: Literature Review & Resource Bank” offers a user-friendly summary of evidence of the impact of supportive housing across different populations and outcomes. Surveying information ranging from peer-reviewed literature and white papers to program development resources and online data sources, this guide offers critical resources for health centers seeking to justify and plan a housing program. View this resource.
Upcoming Webinar
New Webinar: Financing Medical Respite Care: A Practical Discussion to Ensure Sustainability
Join us at 2-3 p.m. CT on Tuesday, June 13, for an in-depth discussion of financing for medical respite care programs. As communities look to reduce health care costs and improve patient outcomes, medical respite care fills a critical need for people without homes. But how can we finance programs offering this care to ensure their sustainability? In this webinar, you’ll learn about the most common ways to fund medical respite programs--and gain practical advice on starting or growing a program in your area. Register now.
Explore the Value of Health Care for the Homeless in an Upcoming Council Webinar
At 2-3 p.m. CT on Wednesday, June 14, the Council will host a webinar examining the value of Health Care for the Homeless grantees. It is critical for health centers to demonstrate their value as a necessary element of sustainability and measuring benefit, and those value assessments can take a plethora of forms. This webinar will provide you with a clear, digestible demonstration of the value of HCH grantees and the impact of the HCH integrated care framework on health care. The discussion will also include clear examples of the uniqueness of populations without homes and the invaluable work of direct service providers and HCH grantees. Sign up now.
Janelle Goetcheus
Announcing Our HCH2017 Award Winners
We are excited to announce our HCH2017 award and scholarship winners! The National HCH Council and our membership groups will honor these worthy individuals at an Awards Lunch ceremony from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. on Friday, June 23, at our 2017 National HCH Conference in Washington, D.C. Who won? Read more about the winners, such as Dr. Janelle Goetcheus of Christ House and Unity Health Care, on our website. Thank you to everyone who nominated individuals for these accolades.
Demonstrate the Value of Health Care for the Homeless on HCH Day (August 16)
Join the National HCH Council in recognizing the value of Health Care for the Homeless in HCH Day on August 16! Part of National Health Center Week, HCH Day is a time to celebrate the vital work of HCH organizations. Every year, consumers and staff at HCH organizations organize events to build community relationships, engage officials, and show appreciation for the individuals who support HCH. Learn how to showcase HCH in your own community: read practical tips for organizing HCH Day events, view our webinar, or contact Consumer Advocate Katherine Cavanaugh—and stay tuned for announcements of new publications from the Council to help you demonstrate your #HCHValue!
Take Action
Stay Informed and Involved in the Movement for Health Care Justice: Mobilize!
As proposed budget cuts to the Department of Housing and Urban Development and potential changes to the Affordable Care Act loom, now is the time to advance our value that Health Care is a Human Right. How can you get involved? Learn how in our latest Mobilizer: read a letter from Council CEO Bobby Watts and find out about recent policy proposals. Stay up-to-date by signing up for our monthly action alerts, and don’t miss recent research published in Health Affairs that adds to an ever-increasing body of evidence demonstrating that Housing Is Health Care.
Patient and Doctor
From the Archives: Clinical Challenges in Supportive Housing
Just as relevant today as it was when first published in 2011, this policy and practice brief outlines the top 12 challenges that providers report in delivering services, the three most frequent frustrations that clients face, and recommendations for providers and policymakers alike to consider. Read the brief, explore these themes further in an additional publication from August 2013, “Clinical Challenges in Permanent Supportive Housing: Two Case Studies,” or visit our website for more Permanent Supportive Housing resources.
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