In 2011, Lisa McManus, a retired marketing executive, began mentoring a Congolese refugee family. At that time, low skilled jobs were plentiful in Grand Rapids so refugees, first relocated to other cities around the country, came to join their African friends and relatives in West Michigan. The African community swelled to over 1,000 families and relocation agencies had very limited resources to help. Adults and children spoke only their native languages and came with education levels far below their American peers. So volunteers like Lisa stepped in to help. The Learning Café was established to assist children with homework, language, and understanding of American culture.
Looking for tutors, Lisa contacted Dr. Rui Niu-Cooper, Associate Professor, and Coordinator of GVSU’s TESOL program in the College of Education. Dr. Cooper jumped on the opportunity to give GVSU students experience, not only in tutoring but also in working with people from another culture, a culture much different from their own. She established 'Tutoring for the Future' as the mechanism to recruit GVSU students. And so began a long-standing partnership.
In 2018, the Learning Café program merged with Oakdale Neighbors, a community development non-profit. Oakdale Neighbors works to develop assets and strengthen neighborhood relationships through a variety of programs for both adults and children. If you're interested in getting involved, contact Dr. Niu-Cooper at (616) 331-6669 or Bruce Boman, Oakdale Neighbors Youth Director at (616) 291-5631.