IMPACT Insights

July 2021

Last Call for Quality Matters Workshop  

quality matters logo and monogram QM
Last call to sign up for the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) workshop! Join us August 10th-23rd for this online, asynchronous program facilitated by Laurie Lyons and Alison McGuire.
Not familiar with QM? The Quality Matters Standards for Online & Blended Courses is an evidence-based toolset and process for continuous improvement in online and blended courses. This workshop is especially recommended for anyone who will be responsible for building or re-designing online or blended courses. The activities take approximately 6-8 hours per week to complete. The cost will be covered by the Health Sciences Dean’s Office.
Please contact us at or to sign up for the workshop or if you have any questions.

Audacity Privacy Concerns

Audacity is a popular and free audio-editing app we’ve recommended in the past. Recent changes to its privacy policy have sparked some concern. Audacity is introducing a feature which allows for automatic updates. This feature will require your IP address and info about your operating system and device to be sent to Audacity. There is the option to turn this feature off, but it is on by default.
There are a few alternatives to Audacity you should be aware of. GW offers Adobe Audition to all GW faculty and staff, which has all the same features as Audacity. There are also services like Zencastr that allow you to easily record audio. If you want to learn more about either of these services, please reach out to Karen Foote at or Linda Cotton at

Glorified Worksheets or Useful Tool? Guided Notes in Higher Ed Courses

Check out this recent systematic review published in the Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice titled, "Guiding students to success: A systematic review of research on guided notes as an instructional strategy from 2009-2019." In it, Biggers & Luo discuss the effects on student learning, types of knowledge, and content areas supported by guided notes, as well as the impact of delivery modality on their efficacy. 
What are guided notes? The authors define guided notes as “teacher-prepared materials that guide a student through a lecture with standard cues and prepared space.” And they found that the research is very positive. Guided notes can improve student learning outcomes, lead to better note-taking, and increase student participation. And, students like them! 
Interestingly, they found that visual guided notes were better than linear notes or slides. For example, giving students a matrix to fill in during lecture or another kind of graphic organizer.
examples of guided notes provided by instructors to students
Examples from Guided Lecture Notes Help Students Stay Focused During Live and Recorded Lectures from the University of Michigan Learning & Teaching Technology Consultants
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