Hi Friend of the CTE,
See the exciting opportunities to engage with the CTE this summer, and engage helpful resources to support your summer or fall course planning.
Summer Book Clubs Filling Fast! |
We supply the books and facilitate the discussions. Join your colleagues remotely and engage in dialogue around teaching and learning topics. Registration is limited to 2 book clubs per person.
Thursday, June 20
10-11:30 am
| Thursday, June 27
1-2:30 pm
| Thursday, July 11
10-11:30 am
| Tuesday, July 23
1-2:30 pm
Why Should You Submit a Proposal for the Lilly Conference? |
- Interact with an enthusiastic and supportive community of teacher-scholars who, like you, are passionate about student learning.
Receive helpful feedback and guidance on your work. Many Lilly presenters say crafting a proposal and presenting on their teaching inspired them to realize how significant their teaching results can be.
- Learn strategies that demonstrate your ability to reflect on and improve your practice.
Engage in a process that can lead to a publication worthy to take its place in the knowledge base of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).
- Renew your enthusiasm for teaching by interacting with other teacher-scholars from Miami and across the U.S.
| Secure Your Spot at the Lilly Conference |
Registration fees for Miami faculty, graduate students, and staff are subsidized by the CTE.
How Can You Engage Students More Effectively With Course Content? |
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| Building Reflective Practices Into Your Teaching |
Get more out of your teaching and build for even greater success with this guidance from Faculty Focus for keeping a reflective journal.
Do you have a workshop, speaker, event, book club, or resource that supports the promotion of teaching excellence? Well, the CTE News features a section titled "Opportunities From Our Partners." You are invited to submit an item for possible inclusion.
Center for Teaching Excellence
317 Laws Hall
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