November 10, 2021  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

Last Wednesday Night Retreat of the Season! Dinner tonight at 5:45 in the worship center.  We'll supply pizza, dessert and drinks. Nursery will be provided. Children practice for Sunday worship program after dinner. Parents must stay with their kids. Youth will be painting ceiling tiles for the education building's new kitchen.
Holiday season is about to be in full swing.  It is easy to jump to Christmas without pausing to give thanks but we don't want to miss the chance to engage in the spiritual practice of giving thanks.  Sometimes finding joy comes when we take the time to remember and lift up all the gifts we do have instead of focusing on what we don't. The past two years have been heavy, so let us join together in worship through the month of November in gratitude for all the ways God meets us in our days. 
November 14: Give thanks for new life
November 21: Give thanks for the gifts of creation
(Missed last week's service? Watch here.)
All leading up to our Thanksgiving Dinner, November 21 @ 5:30.  We provide the Turkey and Dressing, you bring the sides and dessert. 

RSVP here for Thanksgiving Dinner; required by noon Wed., Nov. 17.

Congratulations to grandmother, Florence Cooper! Her grandson, Jude Ellis Cooper, was born October 22, weighing in at 5#11 oz. Proud parents are Mark and Megan Cooper.

We give thanks for our Grace Place Volunteers.
Bob and Jeannie Chunn helped serve at Grace Place November 2
Joe Williams and Jerry Sandlin helped clean up.
We give thanks for our volunteers who are Decking the Halls! Several PHUMC Ladies gathered last week to make more than 30 fresh bows for our Advent Wreaths. 

We give thanks for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism of Annie Monroe Johnson.

Covid-19 disrupted our worship patterns, stretched us to think of new ways to engage as a community of faith and challenged us to take more responsibility for our own spiritual development.  We still aren't back to where we were, and things moving forward will always be just a bit different, and that is okay.  While some things change, our call as disciples remains the same: Love God, Love Neighbor.  We want to help you and your family make time for God in the midst of the craziness of Advent and Christmas.  
We challenge our church family to commit to an Advent-at-home devotional so that we all may seek God during this special time within our faith story.  We will be using "Shadow and Light: A Journey into Advent" as our guide to plan worship, and we hope you will join us by reading along each day.  If you would like the church to order you a copy, please email the church office by Sunday, November 14.  You may pick up your books Sunday, November 21 at worship or the Thanksgiving Dinner.  Cost is $20 and you can pay via the app (Advent Book), in the office, or drop your payment in the offering basket.
PHUMC has several young people starring in this production! Come watch them. Group tickets are available for $8 until Nov. 18 from Molly Kirk.
Youth Friendsgiving, Nov 14 5:30-7. Bring a friend and food to share.

Winter Retreat at Camp Wesley Pines, Jan.15-17. Cost is $150, $50 deposit due by Dec.1st to reserve your spot.
College finals will be here soon and we want to support our members who have headed off to undergraduate education. Sign up your student (or yourself, if you're in undergrad) by November 22 to receive a care package from the Parkway Hills family. Click here to sign up.

                        Meeting This Week:                                      
Men's Morning Group  meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am. Join them here at PHUMC in The Garden Multipurpose Room, or continue to join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 880 5946 1889
Password: 440027
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 328 170 485
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Prayer Quilt Ministry meets every Monday from Noon to 3:00.
Join us in the Garden Multipurpose Room to create beautiful, comforting quilts for children in distress. 

Yarn Ministry will meet Saturday by Zoom 9:00-11:00 am. 
Meeting ID: 886 2475 2662
Passcode: 216848
Contact Shelley Powers for more info.

Record of Our Faithfulness
Year-To-Date: October 2021
Income: $587,503.13
(Income includes $68,292.50 CARES Act/PPP Grant)
Expenses: $599,210.18
November's Communion Offering: $390.00

To donate to Communion offering, text $any amount followed by the word Communion to
Stewardship Goal: 
"Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Loan Principal Balance: $228,785.82
(only 14 remaining payments!)
Remember to return your pledge cards. You may also go to our website, to submit your pledge.
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