Educator Update
Hello 4-H Families,
Happy Halloween! I hope everyone stays warm and dry while Trick or Treating this evening! Speaking of treats, this month's newsletter has a lot of great activities for youth to get involved with including a cultural baking series- just in time for the holidays!
We ask all 4-H members to complete their re-enrollment by November 1st. If you have not re-enrolled yet, please do so as soon as possible. It helps your club leaders by having an accurate list of members, allows you to be covered by our liability insurance, and keeps you up to date on the club, county, and statewide events. This will be the last newsletter sent to last years participant list.
New this year is the non-returning survey. This will be sent out next week to all of the families who have not enrolled in 4-H this year. The purpose of this survey is to get some feedback from members who have decided not to participate this year. It will also work as a reminder to re-enroll.
I hope everyone has a great month. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Zachary Rozmiarek, 4-H Educator, 715-232-1636