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Learn about new programs in CA and HI and register for our PCI at #HCH2016!
Learn about new programs in CA and HI and register for our PCI at #HCH2016!
April • 28 • 2016
A Newsletter for Members of the Respite Care Providers’ Network
Two of 100 beds at the newly opened MLK Recuperative Care Center. (Photo: Brenda Wiewel)
Two of 100 beds at the newly opened MLK Recuperative Care Center. (Photo: Brenda Wiewel)
Los Angeles Adds 100 Medical Respite Beds
A 100-bed medical respite program recently opened its doors in Los Angeles, CA. The MLK Recuperative Care Center began taking clients in January 2016 and quickly filled the first wing of its four-winged facility. The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services has partnered with John Wesley Community Health Institute, Inc., to provide the residence, client care, and intensive case management services. The $3 million program investment is expected to help the County reduce an annual $70 million in inpatient costs for individuals experiencing homelessness. Learn more about the MLK Recuperative Care Center.
Client Terry Lauro is in recovery at Tutu "Bert&squot;s" House in Honolulu, HI. (Photo: Institute for Human Services)
Client Terry Lauro is in recovery at Tutu "Bert's" House in Honolulu, HI. (Photo: Institute for Human Services)
Tutu "Bert's" House Opens in Hawaii
The Institute for Human Services (IHS) has partnered with Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, HI, to open a new medical respite facilityTutu "Bert's" House, in the city. Administrators hope to serve 90 clients a year with an average stay of 6 weeks in the 8-bed program, which is based in a renovated two-story home. In an interview with Hawaii Public Radio, Jerry Coffee, Clinical Director for IHS, said that the program is expected to save Queens Medical Center about $3 million annually. Listen to the interview here.
A client of HOPE Respite Center, Herman Bradford (Photo: Kerri Gough).
A client of HOPE Respite Center, Herman Bradford. (Photo: Kerri Gough)
HOPE Respite Center Has Strong Pilot Year
HOPE Medical Respite Program in Merced, CA, emerged from a partnership between Mercy Medical Center--Merced, Merced Rescue Mission, and Horisons Unlimited Healthcare FQHC. The 10-bed facility opened in December 2014 and served 57 clients in its first year. Half of the beds are reserved for short-term stays (30 days or less), while the remaining beds are reserved for clients who need more time to recover. It is estimated that HOPE Respite Center has saved more than $3 million in reduced emergency room and hospital costs since opening its doors. Learn more about HOPE Respite Center.
2016 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium
2016 Medical Respite Pre-Conference Institute Registration Is Almost Full!
Registration for Pre-Conference Institutes and Learning Labs at the 2016 National HCH Conference & Policy Symposium remains open, and we still have a few seats available for our PCI, Medical Respite Care: Positioning your Program for Success, on Tuesday, May 31. Register now while space remains!
Respite Care Providers' Network
2016 RCPN Steering Committee Slate of Nominees
In January, the RCPN Steering Committee called for nominations to fill two Steering Committee seats that will open in July 2016. The RCPN Nominating Committee reviewed the nominations and has recommended the following slate of nominees.
RCPN members attending the 2016 Medical Respite Pre-Conference Institute on Tuesday, May 31, in Portland, OR, will be asked to confirm the slate of nominees, which is as follows:
New Member
  • Kim Despres, DHA, RN, Respite Program Director, Circle the City Medical Respite Center, Phoenix, AZ
Re-Election (2nd Term)
  • Chauna Brocht, LCSW-C, Coordinator of Special Initiatives, Health Care for the Homeless, Inc., Baltimore, MD
  • Rhonda Hauff, MA, Chief Operating Officer & Deputy Chief Executive Director, Yakima Neighborhood Health Services, Yakima, WA
Leadership Re-Election (2nd Term)
  • Chair: Jessie Gaeta, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, Boston, MA
  • Chair-Elect: Brandon Clark, MBA, CEO, Circle the City, Phoenix, AZ
Departing RCPN Steering Committee members include Dawn Petroskas, Health Services Manager, Hennepin County Health Care for the Homeless, Minneapolis, MN; and Joanne Guarino, Consumer Representative, Boston Health Care for the Homeless, Boston, MA. Dr. Petroskas and Ms. Guarino have provided tremendous leadership within the RCPN for six years.
We are very grateful to them for their compassion and dedication to improving access to quality medical respite care across the country.
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