Dear friends and colleagues,
Looking back on 2014, we disseminated data that addressed a number of our region's most pressing questions. Take a look at the highlights below.
stressed that there will be more than 42,000 job openings between 2013 and 2020 in Southeast Louisiana and that it is critical to scale up the skill sets of our regional workforce to take advantage of these opportunities.  
showed that although our coast is home to significant oil and gas assets, residents and workers have begun to slowly retreat. At the same time, the billions of dollars being spent on restoration is spawning a new “water management” cluster that can diversify the economy, bolster our sustainability for the long term, and forever alter perceptions of Southeast Louisiana.
demonstrated that more than half (38) of New Orleans’ 72 neighborhoods have recovered over 90 percent of the population they had before the levees failed. Only three neighborhoods have less than half the population they had prior to Katrina. And of course we kept you abreast of important demographic trends through the publication of our wildly popular, Who Lives in New Orleans and Metro Parishes Now?
Sneak peek at 2015
This year brings big milestones for both Southeast Louisiana and The Data Center. We'll be ramping up our signature publication, The New Orleans Index, in anticipation of the 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. We also look forward to publishing our annual Coastal Index - on the fifth anniversary of the oil spill. In addition, we will be bringing you important new data and analysis that is focused on children and youth. 
And last (but not least), we are thrilled about the appointment of our director, Allison Plyer, to Mayor Landrieu's 2018 Racial Reconciliation Committee (read more on that here).  
Whether looking back or ahead, we are ever conscious that it is you who brings our data to life.  
With heart-felt thanks for all the work you do throughout the year,

The Data Center
Whitney Soenksen, Allison Plyer, Vicki Mack, and Nihal Shrinath

P.S. We hope you enjoyed our holiday gift to you, The Water Workers. This brief highlighted good paying career opportunities for folks with low-to-moderate levels of education and/or training. Today we’re excited to share an interactive that allows you to explore details of these occupations by education level, available here:

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