Free online courses.
At your own pace.
On your own time. 
We've had a makeover!
We'd like to introduce you to the new and improved Smart About Money. Our newly designed website offers free online courses for you to take at your own pace, on your own time. 
A SAM course is an in-depth guided learning experience. The average course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and includes valuable tools and resources including worksheets, calculators and quizzes.
Money Basics
SAM's Money Basics courses will form the foundation for your personal finance journey. Whether you are starting from square one or just need a refresher, SAM's Money Basics courses offer key information you need to step up your personal finance game. 
Where did all of the original resources go?
Don't worry! You can still find all of the same tools, articles and resources from the original SAM site via the main navigation. Go ahead and get exploring!
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