The New Press | TR
History / Wars & Conflicts / Afghan War
9781620977910 | Hardback
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World Rights
Greystone Press | PGW
Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition / Diets
9781771645416 | Hardback
$28.95 USD
World x CA Rights
Pajama Press | PGW
Juvenile Fiction / Art
9781772782790 | Hardback
$18.95 USD
World x CA Rights
Red Comet Press | PGW
Juvenile Fiction / Transportation
9781636550589 | Hardback
$17.99 USD | $23.99 CAD
World Rights
Genesis Publications | PGW
Biography & Autobiography / Music
9781905662791 | Hardback
$45.00 USD | $60.00 CAD
World Rights
Aeon Books | PGW
Health & Fitness / Herbal Medications
9781912807253 | Hardback
$60.00 USD | $77.99 CAD
World x UK Rights
Agate Publishing | PGW
Business & Economics / Women
9781572843226 | Paperback
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World Rights
Milkweed Editions | PGW
Poetry / American
9781639550418 | Hardback
$22.00 USD | $28.99 CAD
World Rights
Tuttle Publishing | PGW
Gardening / House Plants & Indoor
9780804855969 | Hardback
$19.99 USD
IN, Latca, ME, US Rights
Jawbone Press | PGW
Music / Individual Composer & Musician
9781911036111 | Paperback
$24.95 USD
World x EU, UK Rights
Kind World Publishing | PGW
Juvenile Fiction / Family / Siblings
9781638940197 | Hardback
$16.99 USD | $22.99 CAD
World Rights
Greystone Books | PGW
Pets / Cats
9781778400797 | Paperback
$19.95 USD
World x CA Rights
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