MUDEC Méinden Spring 2021 #13
MUDEC Méinden Spring 2021 #13
Miami UniversityJohn E. Dolibois European Center logo
MUDEC Méinden-Weekly news from the MUDEC community for the MUDEC community-#lifelongMUDEC

Spring 2021 #13

April 19, 2021

  • LDI Internships and Ideation Camp
  • Trash Walk
Odds and Ends
  • Why We Love MUDEC

LDI Internships and Ideation Camp

by Megan Fogarty, MUDEC student
Miami University Digital Innovation students have the unique opportunity to study abroad while interning for Luxembourg companies. Luxembourg Digital Innovation (LDI) students live abroad and work for various companies four days a week while taking their capstone class and attending networking events. This program is a fantastic way for LDI students to gain real work experience while earning class credit and attending guest lectures and seminars.
Student internships vary across companies. LDI student Mikenzie Trout is a human resources intern for TalkWalker. Trout said she’s worked to expand internal resources for her company, such as an email campaign to all employees.
Emily Nebraska is a marketing intern at Loft. She assists with copywriting, social media strategy, website management, and content creation. Nebraska said she’s formed an amazing relationship with her company and learned so much through working with a startup company.
From April 27 - May 1, LDI students will attend an Ideation Camp: a startup weekend where students can pitch ideas with a team of four or five other students. Students will work within their teams to problem-solve for businesses, with the support of local entrepreneurial mentors. Hosted by the University of Luxembourg, the camp is virtual this year.
The LDI program is an immersive experience for students seeking a program that allows them to travel while expanding their network. Interested? Check out the LDI website to learn more and apply.

Trash Walk

by Hannah Sroka, MUDEC student
Last Wednesday, MUDEC students embarked on a trash walk—they rolled up their sleeves, put on some gloves, and picked up trash along hiking trails in Niederkorn.
Trash walk group Megan Rastrelli picks up trash Group 2's helpers
Left to right: Group 1 poses with their trash; Megan Rastrelli in action; Group 2's helpers
Students were split into two groups; each group was assigned a trail not too far from the Château. After a bit of a battle with rush hour transportation, they spent about an hour and a half walking the trails and looking for trash. They collected everything from water bottle labels and small bits of wire to large pieces of plastic and abandoned shoes. Group 2 also found some goats, but because goats are not trash, the group had to leave them be.
The event was organized by Carolyn Moorman, SFC’s environmental chair. She worked with Differdange’s environmental office to plan the two trails, and the office generously donated trash bags and gloves. “I wanted to plan an activity that was both good for the environment and the body,” Moorman said. “The trash walk accomplished both of these objectives.” During the walk, many students commented on how nice it felt to get fresh air and have a break from classes and homework.
Ultimately, the two groups picked up around 12 bags of trash. Alexandra Leurck, a student who participated, said the experience was really eye-opening. “We had so many bags just from this trail,” she said. “Then you think about how many trails there are, and about how long it took us to do this one. It makes you very aware of how much waste we produce and how that affects the environment.”
Leurck and other students also felt more motivated to be more eco-friendly. Many said they would do another trash walk, and along the trail, students talked about other ways to make MUDEC more “green”.
Moorman considers the trash walk to be a success and is glad she could help people adopt a more eco-friendly mindset. She is hopeful that students keep this mindset for the rest of the semester and beyond.
Odds and Ends

Why We Love MUDEC

Molly Foster working in the library
by Megan Smith, MUDEC student
Since 1968, MUDEC has welcomed students from Miami University, whether that’s in its original location or the Château in Differdange. And since then students have come to love not only the Château, but Luxembourg itself. The students this semester have faced the oddsan international pandemic—but also have come to share in the vast alumni network.
Through their time here, there are many things they’ve come to love. Students Julia Mullins and Molly Foster say they love the diversity within Luxembourg. Getting to hear all the different languages and dialects is something you won’t find anywhere else! Getting to interact with a host family has also directly exposed students to other cultures.
In terms of the Château itself, Mullins has come to enjoy the Mezzanine, the upstairs library area, the best. “I like how open it is. It’s a great place to get work done."
As the weather is warming up, students are able to fully enjoy the outdoors as well. Isabelle Guerreau says her favorite part is playing spikeball and soccer.
Since January, MUDEC students have learned a lot from their classes, about the current political environment surrounding the pandemic, and about themselves. Guerreau says her favorite part about being in Luxembourg is the independence: not only traveling, but also mundane things like doing laundry and finding transportation.
Studying abroad has opened a lot of students' minds and eyes to life away from home. It has taught us to be critical thinkers and decision makers, while building our understanding of different cultures.
Château & Administrative Hours
Winter view of the Château de Differdange, where Miami's Luxembourg campus, the John E. Dolibois European Center, often abbreviated to MUDEC, is located

Château Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:00-22:00

Friday:                     8:00-17:00
Saturday, Sunday: Open variable hours;                                     students, please                                           check Canvas

Administrative Hours

Monday-Friday:  8:30-12:30

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