Build Back Better means providing opportunity for homeownership
Build Back Better means providing opportunity for homeownership
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Help Make Affordable Housing a Priority
As Congress debates what stays and what goes away in the Build Back Better infrastructure plan, affordable housing needs to be a priority for funding. Housing is infrastructure.

More than 375 Habitat affiliates - including Habitat for Humanity of Summit and Wasatch Counties - signed on to support funding affordable housing in this Act. We believe stable, affordable homes are indispensable for Americans’ health, education and well-being.
Help us reach out to ensure affordable housing stays in the economic recovery package by adding your voice.
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Meet Joy Rocklin

Habitat Build Volunteer
It takes a dedicated person to spend her time getting down in the mud to help finish a French drain, which is why we are so proud to call Joy Rocklin a Habitat volunteer.
Joy understands that it can take a significant investment in one family's life to make a lasting difference. And that the investment is absolutely worth it.

Volunteer shifts always available. Join Joy in getting our latest house ready for winter!


Thank You to Temple Har Shalom for sharing your interest and time with us this month!

Members toured our ReStore, completed home, and home build in progress to learn a little more about our local Habitat for Humanity. Then they stayed and volunteered! Half the group helped the sales floor of the ReStore recover from a busy Saturday, and the other half braved the cold and drizzle to add exterior insulation to the house.
Earlier this month, Temple member also gave a home blessing to our latest build and signed their well-wishes to the family to be forever included in the home's walls.
Thank you to the members for coming!
Volunteer for the ReStore
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