UP Parent Newsletter
UP Parent Newsletter
UP Parents Wordmark; 2 photos of UP students with their families
UP Parent Newsletter: May 2020
Dear Pilot Parents,
Please see below for important updates from Financial Aid, an exciting announcement regarding the new University Provost, and other reminders. 
We will continue to keep you updated on the latest information surrounding COVID-19 and its impact on the University as it becomes available. The health and safety of our students and other community members will remain at the forefront of the University’s planning for Fall 2020.
Please continue to utilize our office as a resource, and let us know how we can support your family.
Katie Seccombe
Associate Director, Parent Engagement

CARES Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds

From the Office of Financial Aid:
University of Portland has signed and returned the certification forms for the allocation of $2,672,004 from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, which provides financial support to higher education institutions for covering expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Fifty percent of these funds in the amount of $1,336,002 will be provided to eligible students who have incurred expenses such as child care, food/meals, housing, technology, or travel expenses. Funds will be split evenly among all eligible students who apply.
We have identified 3,334 potentially eligible students who attended classes during this past spring semester. These students were sent an email on May 19, 2020 to their UP email address with information on how to submit the certification application. The deadline to submit the certification application is June 10, 2020.
Funds will be dispersed on a rolling basis following confirmation of eligibility and may take up to three weeks to be processed through the Office of the Controller.
Additional information is available on the website, and questions can be sent to CARESAct@up.edu.

Dr. Herbert Medina Appointed as Provost

After a comprehensive national search, Herbert Medina has been appointed the next Provost of the University of Portland. Medina has served as Dean of UP’s College of Arts & Sciences and as Professor of Mathematics since 2018. President Fr. Mark Poorman, C.S.C., says that Medina is “a remarkable educator, scholar, and leader, and the right person to guide UP’s academic division as we chart our University’s bright future.”

Changes to Financial Circumstances

We understand that many families are facing hardships as a result of the pandemic. If your family’s financial circumstances have changed since receiving your 2020–2021 financial aid information, please encourage your student to contact the Office of Financial Aid at finaid@up.edu to connect with a member of their team to discuss options.

In Case You Missed It

  • The latest information surrounding Studies Abroad can be found in their COVID-19 FAQs.

What We're Reading

Even with certain county and state restrictions lifting, the summer months may look differently than most of us had planned. Students may be searching for meaningful ways to spend the next few months. Collegiate Parent shares 8 ideas for making Summer 2020 productive and memorable.

Update Your Information

Now is the perfect time to make sure the University has your most up-to-date information. Please fill out this form to ensure we have your preferred email and contact information.
parents@up.edu | 503.943.7328 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203
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