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The September Edition | September 5, 2019
Katherine Peters
President & CEO

Message from the President

Greetings friend, and welcome to the September Comfort Connection! 
Have you ever felt like physically you were not exactly right in some way? Maybe you walk with a limp. Maybe you shake uncontrollably. Maybe you have a mark somewhere noticeable like on your face, neck, arms, or legs. Maybe you really don’t like your latest hair colour or cut!! Maybe you wish you could lose 50 or 100 pounds. Too tall? Too short? Too thin? Just a little bit too something!!!!!
Do these "imperfections" make you feel self-conscious? Who defines our imperfections?
We are bombarded by billboards, commercials, social media, on TV, radio, computer, even our phones! Step outside, or stay in, these messages are telling us what we need to be or have to be normal and acceptable.
I have issues. I feel self-conscious. Every time I go outside, I need to wear not only my medical pressure gloves, but my sun protection gloves. It’s weird, not normal. Who wears two pairs of gloves in the summertime? I also wear a bandana around my neck to be sure I get no sun in that area. Burn scars from 10 months ago would be extremely damaged and greatly increase healing time with any sun exposure.
So how is it I feel more self-conscious in Canada than I do when I go to Grenada, where I spent the winter? My hair was soooo short this past winter as I waited for my front hairline to grow in and catch up with the rest. I was happy to be in Grenada for the worst of it all. Why? Because it's ok to be "weird" there. The standards are different. It is not uncommon to see people in Grenada with large growths on their neck, or other parts of their body. There is a one-handed shoe repair person with his shop set up on the street. There is the one-armed guy who hangs out at the hardware shop. We made friends with the door man with severe cerebral palsy at the ice cream shop even though we can’t really understand him. We saw a lot of people with six fingers and many other disfigurements.
More is expected in Canada. I feel like I need to explain myself. Everything in me screams, "I’m not weird!! I’m normal just like you! It’s just that... WAIT! Give me time to explain!!" If I feel like this because I am wearing gloves, how do people feel with an actual visible disability???
Our social norms entrap us. It affects how we see others, and how they see us. How do we change the message? More importantly, how do we show compassion to those who don’t fit into "our normal"?

Katherine Peters
President & CEO

Comforts of Home – Care 

Caregiver of the Season

This month's Caregiver of the Season is Candise!
Candise started working here at Comforts of Home - Care in July 2018, and she has already touched the hearts of many of our clients!
Candise enjoys working for COHC because of how amazing the office staff is ("I love the office staff!" she says), and how flexible the scheduling is. She loves that she is able to balance her home and work life very well as a result of joining our team. 
She left her previous employment to work full-time with us because she thinks she fits in with the work environment that has been created within our company, and believes her personality works well within the company (we think so, too). 
Having consistency with some of her clients and always getting to meet new clients gives her the best of both worlds. Overall, Candise loves being a caregiver! 
Her favorite pasttime is spending time with her family, either curled up on the couch for PJ time or being with them in the yard while gardening. 
Thank you, Candise, for all that you do!

Recipe of the Month: Quinoa-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

These hearty cabbage rolls have a great flavour profile and can be easily reheated as a snack several days after cooking them!
Saute the leftover cabbage leaves for a tasty—and nutritious—side dish.

Get the recipe

Video: Centenarians Get Married

"To tell you the truth, we fell in love with each other. I know you think that may be a little bit farfetched for somebody our age, but we fell in love with each other!"

Watch the video

When You Need a Little Extra Support...

Marilyn* had an inoperable brain tumour, which left her feeling weak and needing to use a walker. She also experienced seizures, and she knew she needed a little extra support in her life. 

She still had bright spirits and wanted to be able to enjoy life to the fullest! What Marilyn really wanted was a companion to help her get to leisure events a couple times each week, and occasional caregiving around the home—and that’s when she called Comforts of Home – Care...

Continue reading on our blog

Joke of the Month

Little Ben came into the house with a new harmonica. "Grandpa, do you mind if I play this in here?"
"Of course not, Ben. I love music. In fact, when your Grandma and I were young, music saved my life."
"What happened?"
"Well, it was during a big flood. The dam broke, and when the water hit our house, it knocked it right off the foundation. Grandma got on the dining room table and floated out safely."
"How about you?
"Me? I accompanied her on the piano!"

Comforts of Home - Care
P: 204.949.3234 | F: 204.949.9049 | E: info@cohcinc.com | W: ComfortsOfHomeCare.ca
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