News and resources for airport employees.
News and resources for airport employees.
Rusty Temple
For Rusty Temple, All Roads Lead to Great Customer Service
Rusty Temple with Avis Budget Group was nominated by Avis Budget Group employees:
"During a recent medical incident, Rusty made sure the customer was okay. He called for help and stayed with the customer and gave them water.
According to Rusty's management team, he’s always positive and consistently makes sure customers know where to go when returning their vehicles. His co-workers are happy to see him. Rusty is the kind of person who – if asked for help – he doesn’t walk, he runs. His can-do attitude and the joy he receives when helping customers, no matter what the request, is infectious. We're lucky to have him at Avis, and the airport is lucky to have him here at PDX."
Missed the last virtual awards ceremony? View the event recording or read about past winners on the PDX People website. You can also nominate an employee who embodies the PDX People values and serves as a shining example of great customer service for next quarter – submit a nomination now.
Nominate a PDX Employee
Panoramic view of PDX
What's New with PDX Next: Sensory Room Closure, Bypass Doors and August Forum
Sensory Room: Heads up! The PDX sensory room is closed for one week due to a construction project. Construction is now underway and will continue through Saturday, Aug. 31, at 4 a.m. Our PDX Maintenance team installed a small mock fuselage gifted by Alaska Airlines to help travelers reduce stress and build confidence by practicing being in a plane before they fly.
Bypass Doors: Last week, crews installed windows in the new bypass doors. This will allow you to see who's waiting on the other side and ensure passing through is easy and safe.
August ForumMark your calendar for Tuesday, Aug. 27, to get the inside scoop on Phase 2 of construction at PDX. The Port of Portland's Jen Guild along with Joe Brower of Hoffman-Skanska will share the latest construction updates and answer your questions about PDX Next in just 30 minutes.
Looking for more PDX Next information? We're keeping you in the know on what's new on the PDX People website. Have questions or suggestions about construction? Email or call the construction hotline at 503.460.4339.
Two PDX employees high-fiving at a PDX People event.
Celebrating YOU with PDX People Appreciation Week
Our annual PDX People employee appreciation celebration is Monday, Sept. 16, through Friday, Sept. 20, and – no matter where you work at the airport – there’s sure to be an event happening near you. Plus, we’ll have free food and exclusive PDX People gear!
While the theme of the week has always been gratitude for airport employees, this year we're especially thankful for your support, grace and hard work as we crossed the finish line and opened the new main terminal.
Throughout closures and changes, PDX People continued to provide top-notch friendly, knowledgeable and respectful customer service. Now we're saying THANK YOU for going the extra mile – on carpet and terrazzo! – and sharing your PDX pride with each and every traveler at our airport. See the full schedule of events.
Group of people at a past FOD event with bags of FOD they collected.
FOD Walk: Prizes, Food and Fun!
On Thursday, Aug. 29, join the Port of Portland's airport operations, waste minimization and PDX business and properties teams picking up foreign object debris (FOD) on the airfield. Enjoy time with colleagues, PDX People swag and gift cards while learning how eliminating FOD creates a safer airport for all of us. Red badge or escort required. 
Map of MAX lines
Better Red Extension Officially Opens Aug. 28
Exciting news – the official opening of TriMet’s A Better Red extension project is this Wednesday, Aug. 28, and some trains are already running between Hillsboro and PDX! A Better Red extends the MAX Red Line west to serve 10 more stations and improves schedule reliability for the entire MAX system, giving employees, visitors and people who live here a faster, car-free way to get to and from PDX.
Donated Port of Portland fire truck.
PDX in Pictures
Portland Airport Fire and Rescue recently donated their retired 2001 Rosenbauer Fire Panther apparatus to Jefferson County Fire and EMS. The vehicle is a major upgrade for their department – it’s 16 years newer than their 1985 Oshkosh P-13 vehicle. After training provided by our team, both vehicles went straight into service at the Airshow of the Cascades in Madras.
"Chief Rob Mathis and his team have been great partners to work with and will be a valuable resource for our agency moving forward," Fire Chief Jeff Blake said. "The city of Madras has big plans for the airport and we see our role increasing. We can’t thank Portland Airport Fire and Rescue enough for their generous donation."
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