Cory Booker intros bill to stop animal fighting and the FCC gets mugged
Cory Booker intros bill to stop animal fighting and the FCC gets mugged
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May 29, 2018
Black Lawmakers Say You Better Recognize, Ted Lieu Probes NRA Links to Russia, and BET Networks CEO Steps Down
OFF AGAIN, ON AGAIN... One of North Korea leader Kim Jong-un's top officials is traveling to the U.S., as the two countries lay the groundwork for on-again, off-again talks between Kim and Donald Trump in Singapore on June 12th. #WHEREARETHECHILDREN... Outrage about the treatment of children taken into U.S. custody at the southern border has reached a fever pitch with the news that the Department of Health and Human Services lost track of 1,475 children who had crossed. GIVE ME YOUR TIRED, YOUR POORClaudia Patricia Gómez González traveled 1,500 miles from Guatemala to America, hoping to find a job and a better future. Shortly after she set foot in Texas, a Border Patrol agent shot and killed her. YOUR HUDDLED MASSES… The president on Thursday nominated Ronald Mortensen, who is a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies -- which advocates for reducing immigrant populations and is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center -- to serve as a top official at the State Department overseeing refugees and migration. TOBY TAKE A KNEE FOR A FEE… News of the NFL’s new policy requiring players to stand during the national anthem has prompted fans to boycott the NFL. Among them is Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN). NO HOMOWNERS... Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) said it was acceptable for people to refuse to sell their homes to gay men and lesbians if “they don’t agree with their lifestyle.” That comment cost him the endorsement of the 1.3 million members of the National Association of Realtors. ME TIME… Congressman Thomas Garrett (R-VA) announced Monday that he will no longer seek re-election, saying he needs to work on recovering from alcoholism and renewing his commitment to his family. Y’ALL HATERS CORNY WITH THAT ILLUMINATI MESSBill Fawell, a GOP nominee for an Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, said that JAY-Z "has a long history of serving up the godless Illuminati" and shared a YouTube video that speculated Beyoncé's 2013 halftime performance at the Super Bowl had Illuminati symbolism. That’s the tea, now time for coffee. COMMON SENSE... Starbucks is closing down today at 2P to kick off their racial bias training program. Employees will hear from artist Common, documentary filmmaker Stanley Nelson, Heather McGhee, and others. Congress is in recess but The Beat goes on. We’re kicking off the short week with this...
  • Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) tries to restore FAITH in Congress.
  • FCC Ajit Pai gets mean-mugged.
  • Dems want to give Parkland students Capitol Hill internships
  • Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) intros bill to stop animal fighting.
  • Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL) want DOJ to indict Cuba’s Raúl Castro.
  • DNC’s Tom Pérez’s endorsement angers some Dems. 
CNN's Van Jones with Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), introducing his intern Ricky, who’s headed to law school this fall.
Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) in Hilo, Hawaii last week receiving the latest updates on volcanic activity.
CBC to Amazon: You Better Rekognize
On Friday, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) sent a letter to Amazon President and CEO Jeff Bezos and prominent tech trade associations, expressing privacy and racial bias concerns about Rekognition, facial recognition technology that the company is marketing and selling to law enforcement agencies. Powered by artificial intelligence, Rekognition can identify, track, and analyze people in real-time and recognize up to 100 people in a single image. It can then scan information it collects against databases featuring tens of millions of faces. In regard to privacy, the CBC expressed concerns that some law enforcement agencies will use the technology to surveil law-abiding citizens. In regard to racial bias, the CBC expressed concerns that the data used to deploy the technology would include an overrepresentation of African Americans and that the technology itself may misidentify African American facial features, a problem called “algorithmic bias.” Amazon lists the city of Orlando, Florida, and the Washington County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon among the governmental agencies that use Rekognition. “We are troubled by the profound negative unintended consequences this form of artificial intelligence could have for African Americans, undocumented immigrants, and protestors,” CBC Chairman Congressman Cedric Richmond (D-LA) wrote. “Surveillance of perfectly legitimate and constitutionally protected activity will only further erode the public’s trust in law enforcement.” Two days after Richmond sent his letter, Congressmen Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) also sent a letter expressing concerns. “A series of studies have shown that face recognition technology is consistently less accurate in identifying the faces of African-Americans and women as compared to Caucasians and men,” Ellison and Cleaver note in their letter. The ACLU has also recently flagged this technology saying that free citizens should be able to walk down the street without being constantly monitored and immediately identified by the government. That would be a system similar to the one that has already been implemented in China, and millions of Chinese citizens have already been negatively impacted by it. See the CBC’s full letter here.

Top Dems Encourage Colleagues to Offer Internships to Parkland Survivors
House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (D-CA) and three of her fellow members sent a letter to their Democratic colleagues Thursday encouraging members to open their offices to Parkland students so that they can come to Capitol Hill and work on gun reform. “We have all been impressed with the leadership and passion shown by students around the country on the issue of gun violence prevention. Through efforts like the March for Our Lives, students have been speaking up and demanding action on this issue like never before, and they are an inspiration to many of us,” wrote the lawmakers. “That is why we are encouraging Members to host an intern in their office this summer to work on the issue of gun violence prevention and bring their personal dedication to this issue.” House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-NY), along with Congressmen Ted Deutch (D-FL) and Mike Thompson (D-CA), are helping Sánchez lead the effort.
While the effort is celebrated, many point out that children in urban areas have been impacted by gun violence for decades and would likely have a lot to learn and contribute to an internship on Capitol Hill as well. More here.
Stephanie Murphy Aims to Help People Have FAITH in Congress
Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) 
and Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) introduced bipartisan legislation on Friday that would end certain special perks reserved for members of Congress, enact a lifetime ban preventing former members from becoming lobbyists, and withhold members’ paychecks if they fail to pass a budget on time. The Fostering Accountability, Integrity, Trust, and Honor (FAITH) in Congress Act also promotes bipartisanship in Congress by requiring House leadership to prioritize legislation that has bipartisan support when deciding which bills to bring up for a vote. Murphy called the FAITH in Congress Act a necessary step to rebuild the American people’s trust in Congress. “Members of Congress should be working for the people who sent them there, not lining their own pockets or refusing to do their jobs,” said Murphy. “My bill would hold Members of Congress accountable to the American people by reducing the power of special interests, promoting bipartisanship, rolling back congressional perks, and forcing them to do their jobs or they don’t get paid. If we’re going to change Washington, we’ve got to change how Washington works.” More here.

Very Smart Brothas Co-Founder Damon Young and The Breakfast Club host Angela Yee at the #StateOfBlackAmerica at the National Urban League Washington Bureau last week.
Comedian Hasan Minhaj over the weekend getting styled behind the scenes.
Lieu Calls for FBI to Investigate Russia Ties to NRA
Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA)
and Congresswoman Kathleen Rice (D-NY) late last week called on FBI Director Christopher Wray to launch an investigation into whether the Kremlin used the National Rifle Association (NRA) to funnel money into electoral campaigns. Lieu and Rice, both former prosecutors, in their letter called on the FBI to evaluate whether Russia illegally used the NRA to support or interfere with Senate and Congressional campaigns. “The NRA spent more than $30 million to support the Trump campaign, an amount far greater than those used for previous Republican presidential nominees. We also know the NRA spent significant amounts on U.S. House or U.S. Senate races,” the letter reads. “Illegal campaign contributions by a foreign nation, especially one whose interests stand in stark contrast to those of the United States, threaten the very underpinnings of our democracy and cannot remain unchallenged. As such, if the FBI is not already doing so, we urge you to immediately investigate any potential illegal contributions by Russia to the Trump campaign and ensure such investigation includes contributions to any U.S. House or U.S. Senate candidates.” See the full letter here.

Tim Scott Intros Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
Senator Tim Scott (R-SC)
introduced the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act last week. The legislation directs the Department of Education to use the definition that was developed by the State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism office in 2010. The office has been vacant since Donald Trump took office. Legislators, including Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), who introduced the bill with Scott, said the Department of Education currently lacks a firm direction on how to identify and define anti-Semitism, and that, should the bill be signed into law, it would give the agency the tools to recognize when actions violate U.S. anti-discrimination laws. According to the FBI’s Hate Crime Report, Jewish hate-crime victims outnumber victims of all other religious groups combined. The problem is most serious in U.S. schools. A Brandeis Center/Trinity College study found that 54% of Jewish college students reported experiencing or witnessing anti-Semitism in 2014. And a February Anti-Defamation League report found that anti-Semitic incidents in K-12 schools and on college campuses nearly doubled between 2016 and 2017. More here.

Cory Booker Intros Bill to Help Stop Animal Fighting
Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ)
on Friday introduced a bill to crack down on animal fighting. While animal fighting is already banned in all 50 states, ambiguities in federal law create doubt about enforcing restrictions on animal fighting. The Parity in Animal Cruelty Enforcement (PACE) Act amends the Animal Welfare Act to clarify this ambiguity by making it explicit that federal animal fighting law applies to all U.S. jurisdictions, including U.S. territories. Joined by Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in introducing the bill, Booker says animal fighting is a cruel activity that pits animals against each other for the sole purpose of gambling and entertainment. “Animals are often drugged to intensify their aggression and continue fighting even after suffering heinous injuries. This bill will ensure that federal animal fighting laws that apply in the U.S. extend to its territories as well.”  Last week, the House voted to approve this measure as an amendment to the Farm Bill by a vote of 359-51. Booker is known for his interests in the welfare of animals. He wanted to build a "state-of-the-art," no-kill shelter in Newark for his birthday in 2017, and "to one day be able to save every savable dog and cat in this new shelter." More on the PACE Act here.

Special Assistant
The Nathan Cummings Foundation is recruiting a Special Assistant (SA) to join the President’s office team. The SA will report to the President and also to the Chief of Staff/Board Liaison, and will play a critical support role in creating a highly functioning team and organization.
BET CEO and Chairman Debra Lee Steps Down
After 30 years at the helm of BET, Debra Lee has stepped down as CEO and Chairman of the network. The move comes after Scott Mills was named President of BET late last year and she ceded day-to-day duties to him. Lee's role will not be replaced. “In 1986 I joined BET Networks to be its very first in-house counsel. As a young corporate attorney I saw my role as the protector of the BET brand and its employees and today, more than 32 years later, I still see myself as the protector and defender of a brand that I have helped to grow as a top destination for audiences across the globe," Lee said in a statement. “I could not be prouder of the enormous amount of talent and creativity at BET Networks today and I will always be BET’s number one fan, rooting for each and every one of you as you continue to break barriers and share your authenticity with the world. I leave with pride, gratitude, and joy for a life-changing professional and personal journey. Continue to do it “for the culture” and much success to you all. You deserve it.” She plans to stay involved in the media industry and keep her roles on corporate and nonprofit boards, working with Times Up, The Recording Academy Diversity & Inclusion Task Force, and more. Lee will also continue her Leading Women Defined gathering of prominent Black women. Her last day as head of BET was Friday. More here.
NYT’s Culture Section Announces Changes
Aisha Harris has been named the new Assistant TV Editor of the NYT’s Culture section. The Hamden, CT native was previously a Culture writer and Editor at Slate since 2012 and, in 2016, launched the weekly podcast Represent, which focuses on film and television from the perspectives of women, people of color, LGBTQ communities and other underrepresented groups. During her time at Slate, she co-authored the Black Film Canon, a collaboration with prominent filmmakers, critics, and academics to name the 50 best Black-directed films. The Northwestern University grad, who also has a Master’s from NYU, has contributed to The Dissolve, Marie Claire Italy, among others, and has been seen and heard her as a guest on NPR, BBC, CBC, MSNBC, NBC, CNN, WNYC, and PBS. The Culture section also announced that Jeremy Egner has been promoted to TV Editor, Joshua Barone and Eleanor Stanford are now Senior Staff Editors and that Cara Buckley would move on to a new beat that examines Hollywood biases and the efforts to rectify those inequalities. More here.

Changes at WaPo Operations
The Washington Post announced Maite Fernández as their new Operations Editor, working with their Foreign desks. Maite was previously at CQ Roll Call, where she was responsible for audience engagement strategy. Before that, the ORT University in Uruguay graduate, who also holds a Master’s from the University of Maryland, served as Communications Director for the International Center for Journalists and as a reporter for El Observador, a large newspaper in Uruguay. She is fluent in both English and Spanish and is familiar with a handful of programming languages. More about her here.

The Root’s Satirical Headline Sparks Twitter Beef with April Ryan and First Lady’s Office
The Root’s Jason Johnson wrote a story over the weekend headlined, “Is the Trump Administration Running a Child-Trafficking Ring or Nah? Follow Me Down the Rabbit Hole.” The story is a semi-satirical article on the ability to create a false narrative in the news. But the story highlights the very serious issue: that the Department of Health and Human Services lost nearly 1,500 migrant children after they were placed with adult sponsors. “Our government can track what porn sites ISIS, or the Islamic State, is clicking on in the mountains of Afghanistan, but can’t find 1,500 kids in America? What’s worse, nobody seems to know what to do about it. This is despite reports that children have been placed in homes where they were sexually assaulted, abused or possibly trafficked,” Johnson wrote. AURN’s White House Correspondent April Ryan tweeted out the story, and yet another White House Twitter beef ensued. Stephanie Grisham, the First Lady's spokeswoman, criticized Ryan in a tweet by questioning whether it is "OK" for a journalist with a large platform “to retweet any headline you want, regardless of if it’s true?” Grisham had not read the actual story -- something Ryan pointed out before retorting that the Trump administration works to discredit the press. “What happens when you all tweet crazy stories. Where is the accountability there?” Ryan asked. Check out Johnson’s story for yourself here.
California state Treasurer and gubernatorial candidate John Chiang (D) campaigning during the final days before the primary election in Riverside, CA.
Political analyst Aisha Moodie-Mills kicking off Memorial Day weekend with wife and host of Sirius XM’s Woke AF, Danielle Moodie-Mills.
Keeping Black Voters from the Polls: A Tale of Breitbart, Trump, and Bruce Carter
Bruce Carter,
who founded Black Men for Bernie and later formed Trump for Urban Communities, signed up for a 10-week blitz during the 2016 election aimed at convincing Black voters in key states to support Donald Trump or simply sit out the election. Why? Bloomberg reports that a Breitbart reporter, Dustin Stockton, recruited Carter to lead the effort to suppress Black votes. The work Carter says he did, and the funds he was given to do it, raise questions as to whether campaign finance laws were broken. The group Carter founded, Trump for Urban Communities, never disclosed its spending to the Federal Election Commission -- a possible violation of election law. In hindsight, Carter says, he believed he was working for the campaign so he wouldn’t have been responsible for reporting the spending. Carter’s descriptions of the operation suggest possible coordination between Trump’s campaign. If there was coordination, election law dictates that any contributions to groups such as his must fall within individual limits: no more than $2,700 for a candidate. One supporter far exceeded that cap, giving about $100,000 to Carter’s efforts. A little more than a week after the election, Carter’s financial supporters backed away from plans to work with him on ambitious urban-restoration efforts. More here.
Tom Pérez Angers Dems and Stacey Abrams Supporters with Andrew Cuomo Endorsement
DNC Chairman Tom Pérez has said repeatedly that the national party won’t endorse in primaries. However, on Thursday, Pérez endorsed NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, who is campaigning for a second term facing a challenge from actress Cynthia Nixon. This move prompted many, including grassroots supporters of Stacey Abrams, who recently won the GA Democratic primary in her historic gubernatorial bid, to question both Pérez and the party. It also runs contrary to DNC Deputy Chair, Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), and has re-opened an ongoing internal fight. Politico reports that Pérez isn’t the only DNC officer to endorse Cuomo. Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) and NY Assemblyman and Obama alum Mike Blake, both DNC Vice Chairs, have endorsed him as well. Blake said “there’s a dramatic difference” between the NY race and the Georgia Governor’s primary, in which Pérez argued that the DNC had to remain neutral and not back Abrams, who received support from across the country on her way to winning the nomination and potentially becoming the first Black female governor in American history. “We have to treat things relatively, not an exact science all the time,” Blake said. More here.

Black Defendants Get Longer Sentences from GOP-Appointed Judges
WaPo reports that judges appointed by Republican presidents gave longer sentences to Black defendants and shorter ones to women than judges appointed by Democrats. A new study that analyzed data on more than half a million defendants concluded that these differences cannot be explained by other judge characteristics and grow substantially larger when judges are granted more discretion. The study also found that Black judges treat male and female offenders more equally than white judges do. And Black judges appointed by Republicans treat Black offenders more leniently than do other Republican appointees. More experienced judges are less apt to treat Black and female defendants differently. Judges in states with higher levels of racism, as measured by popular support for laws against interracial marriage, are more likely to treat Black defendants more harshly than white ones. “During an average four-year term, a Republican president has the potential to alter the partisan composition of the district courts by over 15 percentage points, potentially increasing the racial and gender sentencing gap by 7.5 and 3 percent, respectively,” the authors of the study wrote. By some estimates, thanks to the Trump administration, the share of Republican appointees on the federal district courts could rise to 50% in 2020, from 34% in early 2017. More here.

Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) hosting Dominique and Kiana, foster youth from his district, for Foster Youth Shadow Day last week on Capitol Hill.
CNN’s Jim Acosta speaking at the Power of Journalism conference in Oslo, Norway last week. 
Rubio and Díaz-Balart Want DOJ to Consider Indicting Former Cuban President Raúl Castro
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
and Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL) are urging Donald Trump to have DOJ review whether former President of Cuba Raúl Castro should be indicted for the deaths of Americans. In 1996, the Castro regime shot down of two U.S. civilian aircraft flown by Brothers to the Rescue, which caused the death of three American citizens and a U.S. legal resident. The members sent a letter to Trump asking him "within all applicable rules and regulations" to direct the DOJ to look into the Cuban government’s alleged downing of the two U.S. aircraft in 1996 and determine whether to indict Castro. The Cuban Air Force shot down the planes in international airspace on February 24, 1996, as they were returning to Florida. The U.N. Security Council and other international powers condemned the incident, while the Castro regime argued it was justified because the planes were trying to destabilize the Cuban government. “We therefore urge you to direct the Department of Justice to reconsider whether Raúl Castro should be indicted for the murder of innocent Americans.  In addition, we urge you to direct the appropriate agencies to assess whether INTERPOL “red notices” should be issued for the arrest and extradition to the United States of all Cuban operatives responsible for their murders," Rubio and Díaz-Balart wrote. More here.
FCC Gets Mugged
FCC Chair Ajit Pai is known for his novelty oversized Reese’s Peanut Butter coffee mug. The mug gained mild notoriety after Pai was photographed with the drinking vessel, and comedian John Oliver took notice in a sketch that appeared on HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Recently, Taylor Amarel, a frequent Freedom of Information Act-filer, secured the release of Pai’s calendar earlier this year she also requested all of Pai’s Executive Assistant’s emails that included terms such as "reeses," "mug," or "Reese's.” But the FCC has pushed back. FCC Attorney Advisor Ryan Yates questioned whether Amarel was using a pseudonym and demanded his name, personal mailing address, and phone number, which is not required under FOIA law. Still, Vice News reports that Amarel complied, only to have the FCC respond again, this time asserting that digging up these emails would take more than four hours of work and cost an estimated $232.89. Over the last year, the FCC has consistently stonewalled seemingly inoffensive FOIA requests, often using an obscure exemption to avoid releasing documents related to Pai’s “Harlem Shake” video or a joke he made about being in the pocket of Big Telecom. The refusals have arguably drawn more attention to mundane issues. More here.

CBS News’ Errol Barnett and his fiancée Ariana Shordy vacationing in Rome, Italy over the long weekend.
Members Bobby Scott (D-VA), Nanette Diaz Barragán (D-CA) and Jared Huffman (D-CA) on Friday at Manuel Domínguez High School in Compton, CA to discuss funding for students with disabilities.
Head of National Institute for Latino Policy Passes Away
Angelo Falcón, the President and Co-Founder of the National Institute for Latino Policy and Editor of the Latino Policy eNewsletter, passed away at the age of 66 on Friday after suffering a heart attack. Falcón graduated from Columbia University with a Bachelor’s and later obtained a Master’s from the State University of New York at Albany. Falcón’s first job out of college was as a director of Aspira, a Latino empowerment organization. He also spent time with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, the New York City Community Development Agency, and the Capitol District Regional Planning Commission. He worked at various NY universities including the State University of New York at Albany and Columbia University, as well as City University of New York-affiliated Hunter College, Queens College, and John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Falcón co-founded the Institute for Puerto Rican Policy in 1982, which in 2005 became the National Institute for Latino Policy. In addition to his work at (NiLP), he was a Board member of the National Hispanic Media Coalition. He authored Atlas of Stateside Puerto Ricans and was a co-author of several books about the history of Latinos in New York, including Latin@s in New York: Communities in Transition and Boricuas in Gotham: Puerto Ricans in the Making of Modern New York City. He was known as a tireless advocate for the Latino community and once said of himself: “I guess it’s just in my blood to be a pain,” he told the NYT. “I’m always busting chops.” Que descanse en paz. Más aquí.

President Pardons First African American World Heavyweight Boxing Champion
Donald Trump on Thursday granted a posthumous pardon to boxer Jack Johnson on the advice of actor Sylvester Stallone. Johnson, the first African American world heavyweight boxing champion, was convicted in 1913 under the Mann Act for taking his white girlfriend across state lines for "immoral" purposes. The Mann Act purported to prevent human trafficking for the purpose of prostitution, but it was applied inconsistently to criminalize African Americans and those with dissenting political views. Johnson was convicted by an all-white jury in less than two hours and was imprisoned for a year. The sentence and imprisonment destroyed the boxing career of the "Galveston Giant." He died in 1946. The president was joined in the Oval Office by Stallone, current heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder, and Johnson's great-great niece Linda Bell Haywood, among others. The pardon was originally proposed in 2004 by a group that included filmmaker Ken Burns, boxer Sugar Ray Leonard, Senator John McCain (R-AZ), the late Senator Ted Kennedy, and artists Chuck D and Wynton Marsalis. Mr. President, we know some other current day policies which disproportionately impact people of color who have been imprisoned and/or had their lives and careers ruined. Call us. More here.

CNN’s Athena Jones and NBC White House Correspondent Kristen Welker at their Class of ‘98 Harvard University reunion.
Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY), Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Congressman Mark Takano (D-CA) with members of the CAPASA board and AAPI staffers celebrating CAPASA’s 20th anniversary last week.
Congressional Women’s Softball Game Roster Announced
The Congressional Women’s Softball Game is taking place on June 20th, and the roster of bipartisan Congresswomen and media members playing in the game has been announced. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) will serve as a team captain for the last time, as she is retiring at the end of this Congress. Also likely making her final appearance in the game is Congresswoman Michelle Luján Grisham (D-NM), who is running for Governor of New Mexico. Congresswomen Nanette Diaz Barragán (D-CA) and Mia Love (R-UT) will also play again this year, marking their second and fourth years, respectively, on the squad. Shawna Thomas, the DC Bureau Chief for Vice News, is once again taking the field for the Bad News Babes -- the press team. Proceeds from the annual charity game benefit the Young Survival Coalition, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the critical issues unique to young women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. More here.
Wednesday, June 6th - Saturday, June 9th: The Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit. Charlotte, NC. More than 1,000 CEOs, investors, and business experts are expected to attend. Click here for more information and to register.
Friday, June 8th - Saturday, June 9th: Summit 21. Speakers include CEO of Impact Strategies Angela Rye, Blavity Editor-in-Chief Lilly Workneh, and more. Atlanta Convention Center. Atlanta. Click here for more information
Sunday, June 10th - Tuesday, June 12th: The ACLU Membership Conference. Speakers include Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse CullorsCongressman John Lewis (D-GA), and Founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, AL Bryan Stevenson. Walter E. Washington Convention Center (801 Mount Vernon Place N.W.) and Marriott Marquis Washington D.C. (901 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.). Click here for more information.
Saturday, June 16th, 6:30P: The March On Washington Festival hosts a fundraiser celebrating Black trailblazers in entertainment featuring acclaimed actress, singer, and philanthropist Sheryl Lee Ralph in a one-woman show of storytelling and song. Studio Theatre. 1501 14th Street Northwest. Click here for more information.
Thursday, June 21st - Sunday, June 24th: The Black Millennial Political Convention, which aims to increase engagement of Black millennials in the political sphere and shed a light on policy issues impacting black communities. This year’s theme is The Advocacy of Policy, Pipeline and Power for the People. Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, VA. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Saturday, July 7th - Tuesday, July 10th: The 2018 UnidosUS annual conference, Marriott Marquis Hotel, DC. Click here for more information and to register.
Thursday, July 12th - Friday, July 20th: March On Washington Film Festival. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, July 17th - Wednesday, July 18th: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) 2018 National Women’s Conference. Phoenix. Click here for more information and to register.
Friday, July 20 - Sunday, July 22nd: The 2nd Annual Black Campaign School, hosted by The Collective. Atlanta, GA. Click here for information
Wednesday, August 1st - Saturday, August 4th: The National Urban League 2018 Annual Conference “Save Our Cities: Powering the Digital Revolution.” Columbus, OH. Click here for more information and to register.
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