1. Way to Be!
Recently on my drive home I was overwhelmed with pride for who you are. You continue to show the love of Jesus in the most challenging times. I thought about how you’re ...
  • continuing to mask up and distance here on campus to keep others safe
  • serving one another and members of our community every chance you get
  • speaking words of encouragement to lift people up
Thank you Deermeadows. Like the loaves and fish, our Lord is multiplying all you’re giving to Him to help other people in need – whether you know it or not!
2. Business Meeting Ahead
Our quarterly church business meeting is next Wednesday at 6:30pm in Founder’s Hall. We’re addressing 2021’s ...
3. After the Election
Deermeadows shared our campus with the community this week by being a voting site. There was a steady stream of people all day Tuesday and no drama. 
What now? What might be the church’s role during a widening political divide and contentious talk in our culture?
I hope you’ll click and read the article below by Carey Nieuwhof. It’s written to church leaders and I believe each of you is a leader. Some standout statements that hit me...
  • (right now) the gravitational pull is toward hate, not healt
  • (church) unity would be an exceptional show of strength to a divided natio
  • If God has all the same opinions you do, you’re probably not worshipping God

Read the article HERE and welcome its challenges.

Stay Strong,


Join us for Sunday Worship @ 11:00am
On-Campus & Live Stream 
Pre-registration for worship is no longer needed. 
If you have a child ages Birth-4yrs that would like to attend ETC (Extended Teaching Care) sign ups are needed to ensure we have enough leaders/space prepared.
Deermeadows All Saints Remembrance:
This week's Deermeadows Weekly video! View and share past Deermeadows Daily/Weekly episodes HERE
Click HERE to sign up to receive the bi-weekly Prayer Guide!
The church ministers and staff continue to hold you up in prayer weekly! Please let us know how we can pray for you!

Click HERE to see on-campus classroom locations.

Click HERE to see updated "Health Safety Protocols" for
On-campus Small Groups

(Please note: Some classes are continuing to meet via Zoom @ 9:00am; check with your small group leader for information.)
We are excited to have some of our small groups back on-campus!  Click HERE for information on how things work for families with kids from birth through high school.  
Wednesday, November 11th
Families will meet in the Gathering Place for a fun time of games, music, and serving together!
Remote check-in for Kids birth-5th grade using the Deermeadows App!
Be sure to SIGN UP in advance for ETC! This helps us to plan and prepare resources and staffing.
Click HERE to read On-Campus
safety procedures.
Be sure to check out all the fun resources for kids! Weekly Bible Stories, activity pages, and fun videos for Kids of all ages! 
(Look for Preschool, Younger Elementary and Older Elementary)
Click HERE!
Young & Median Adults
Some classes will continue to meet Live On Zoom! Click HERE for listing of all classes and locations!
Senior Adults
November edition available on communications page.
(updated monthly)
 Reaching out to help at Christmas
Do you know someone who could use a little help with Christmas during these economically challenging times? Perhaps your own family is struggling right now.
Through the Deermeadows Angel Tree ministry, the church community works to bless others with groceries for the family and/or Christmas gifts for children.
All inquiries are kept confidential.

For the Record:
2020 through September
(Financial Reports approved by Finance Committee on 3rd Sun. of each month.) 
Quick Links:
Member Page
Church Calendar
Online Giving
Past Messages
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