Tufts Student Life
Office of Equal Opportunity Reminder
February 15, 2023
Hi Jumbos!
Congrats—you’ve made it to the midpoint of the school year! At this “halfway” point, the Tufts Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) wants to remind you that we are here for you.
What is OEO, again?! OEO is the place to contact if you have experienced or witnessed sexual misconduct (including sexual assault), discrimination and/or harassment. We handle all reporting and also provide valuable resources and support.
As an important reminder, you do not need to file a formal complaint to receive support from OEO. Let’s say that one more time: you do not need to file a formal complaint or initiate a formal process to receive support. There are a number of informal options available and YOU HAVE CHOICES when you submit a report.
One more thing: we are excited to share that we’ve got a newly redesigned website - you can check it out at: https://oeo.tufts.edu/. We’ve made it easier for you to do things like:
We hope you have a great second half of the school year! 
The OEO Team

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