January 12, 2021, Epiphany
This past Sunday, children (and adults) were sent home with blessed chalk for the Epiphany tradition known as "chalking the door." Pick up a piece of chalk and the accompanying prayer in the narthex. Learn more  >>> here. 
Holy Eucharist, 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Reminders about worship: 
  • Masks are still required while inside the church building.
  • The nursery will be open from 8:15 a.m. through 12:15 p.m. for ages 0 - 3 years. 
  • At 8:30 a.m., the Holy Eucharist will be live-streamed and include a children's homily for 3 yrs - 6th grade.
  • At 11 a.m., incense is now a regular part of worship.

Christian formation classes for all ages continue this Sunday at 10 a.m. Both Children, infants through 6th grade, and Youth, 7 - 12th grade, meet downstairs in the parish hall building. 
For Adults, Through February 27

Intro to Anglicanism 
with Fr. Sammy 

Join Fr. Sammy for this survey of Anglicanism's rich history and beliefs that make us who we are as Episcopalians. This class serves as preparation for the Rite of Confirmation (learn more about confirmation >>>here) and membership at St. Bartholomew's, as well as an enjoyable refresher course for life-long Episcopalians. The class will meet in the Nave. 

Faith, Art, & Culture: Christianity Through the Lens of Art
with Mimi Heldman and Nancy Cason

"Art [is] a vehicle for expressing the glory of God. (Luci Shaw)." Join Nancy Cason and Mimi Heldman, as artists and Christians, to reflect on spirituality through the lens of visual art by Marc Chagall, Meyer Wolfe, Caravaggio, Wassily Kandinsky, and others. The class will meet in Wallace Hall. 

The Hebrews Bible Study with Fr. Sammy on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. continues through the first week of February. The study meets in Wallace Hall. 

The Thursday women's Bible study picks back up next week on January 20 at 9:30 a.m. Using N. T. Wright’s Revelation for Everyone; they are continuing their study of the book of Revelation. All women of any walk of life and at any point of the faith journey are welcome. To register or enquire about childcare, email Gretchen at

Wednesday, January 19, 6 - 8 p.m. 

What is Catechesis of the Good Shepherd? What does it mean when we say Catechesis?  Have you ever wondered what the children are doing downstairs in the atria at 10 a.m. on a Sunday? For that matter why do we call it an atrium and what are all the figurines and stations about. Come get to know other parents, explore the spaces and materials, and learn more about the philosophy and theology behind Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. All parishioners are welcome!
Sunday, January 30, 10 a.m. 
Digital Voting Begins Sunday, January 23

Please plan to join us on January 30 for our annual parish meeting at 10 a.m. in the nave. Hear reports from the treasurer, senior warden, and Fr. Sammy. We will also elect four new vestry members.

Because of the surge in COVID cases in Davidson County, we will provide a Zoom link for those who wish to participate from home. The Sunday, January 23 email will include a digital ballot for those who plan to attend via Zoom. Digital voting will be open from the 23rd at 10 a.m. through Saturday, January 29. Please note that you will not be able to vote digitally after 9 a.m. on Sunday, January 30. 

We will have play stations in the gym for children 4 yrs. - 6th grade from 10 - 10:50 a.m. As usual, the nursery will be open all morning for ages three and under.


This year we have a slate of eight nominees for the vestry. Four will be elected at the Annual Meeting through casting lots on Sunday, January 30. Thank you to these individuals for being willing to stand. May the Holy Spirit guide our elections!

Rachel Dyer
Kathy Edwards
Brent Ferrell
Josh Franklin
Erik Larsen
Josh Martin
Claude Presnell
Kara Smith

Celebrating & Sending Forth the Woods

Please plan to join us on February 6 at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. for the Wood family's last Sunday. We will sing, pray, and bless them with gifts at 10, and later in the day, we will celebrate and send them forth at our annual Epiphany bonfire. Join us from 5 to 7 p.m. for BBQ from the Smokin' Buttz food truck, s'mores, the Christmas tree bonfire, music by Steve Mason, and a very special send-off for the Woods. 

Look for details later this week from the wardens about how you can participate!

mission, mercy, and justice 

Room in the Inn runs through March. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far this season. In excellent news, we only have three dates that still need overnight hosts, February 19, March 12, March 19. There are a handful of openings for breakfast, laundry, and cleaning on Sunday morning! Please help us fill these spots by signing up >>>here.  

January Items: Toothpaste & toothbrushes, canned meats, cereal, and PBJ. Please leave collections for St. Luke's food pantry in the cabinet beside the doors to the gym. 


We have dates open in January and February for altar flower dedications, remembrances, and thanksgivings. The suggested donation is $75.  Please sign-up on the bulletin board in the parish hall lobby or by emailing Teresa Robinson

This past week, the vestry accepted the resignation of Junior Warden, Tiffany Villager, and expressed gratitude for her contributions over the past two years. Tiffany has one year left of her term. Our by-laws instruct us to fill this position with the individual who held the next elected number at last year's annual meeting. Thank you Scott Bradley for accepting the position. Scott will finish Tiffany's term and is then eligible to stand for another full three-year one as stated in our by-laws. On Monday, the vestry also elected Jude Mason to serve as Junior Warden through the Annual Meeting. In February the new vestry will elect Senior and Junior Wardens. 

Dear St. B’s Family,

Greetings from the North!  The Taliaferro family is settled in Wisconsin as Justin attends Nashotah House Theological Seminary.  He is now in his second year and is staying busy with most of his time divided between the classroom, the library, the chapel, and our local church.  Corrie is working as a cake decorator at a local, upscale grocery store and occasionally singing with the chapel choir.  William is thriving in school and Cub Scouts, and he is making friends with classmates and neighbors.  The whole family is enjoying the snow and the beauty of the Wisconsin lake country.  We thank you so much for your support and encouragement.  We would not be here, doing this, without you.

With much love,
Justin, Corrie, and William


View this week's parish prayer list >>>here. If you would like to add a name to the parish prayer list, please email Fr. Sammy. Also, if you have a prayer request for our intercessory prayer team, please email
Exploring Catechesis of Good Shepherd, Wed, Jan. 19, 6 p.m.
Digital Voting Opens, Sun, Jan. 23, 10 a.m.
Annual Parish Meeting, Sun, Jan. 30, 10 a.m. 
Youth Game Night, Sun, Jan. 30, 
Wood Family Celebration, Sun, Feb. 6, 10 a.m.
Epiphany Bonfire & BBQ, Sun, Feb. 6, 5 p.m.
Theology on Tap with Ginny Lamothe, Thurs, Feb. 10, 7 p.m. 
Serve at The Branch, Sat, Feb. 12, 10 a.m. 
Youth Rock Climbing, Sat, Feb. 12, 1:30 p.m. 
Philip Yancey Lecture, Feb. 18 - 19

Find our regularly occurring events including our weekday worship schedule on our website >>>here
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