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Fordham CLIP Roundtable:
Drones: Taking Off

Please join us for our next Information Law & Policy Roundtable Breakfast!  This month, we will be joined by featured guest Adil Ahmed, Advisor to the Board of Directors of DroneCast, Inc., who will kick off our discussion regarding commercial uses of drones.
Topic:  Drones: Taking Off
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
8:45–10 a.m.
The Bateman Room (Rm. 2-01B)
Fordham Law School 

150 West 62nd Street (New Law School Building)
New York, NY 

Links to background materials for the Roundtable: 
What’s Wrong with the FAA’s New Drone Rules, Harvard Business Review, March 2, 2015
Colorado Lawmakers Delay Vote on Drones, Privacy, The Denver Post, March 3, 2015

Fordham CLIP will provide the food and coffee.  Participants provide the discussion.  Please RSVP to if you plan to attend so that we have the right head count for food.  This event is open to students by invitation only. 

Best regards,

N. Cameron Russell
Executive Director
Fordham CLIP

The Center on Law and Information Policy (“CLIP”) was founded at Fordham Law School to contribute to the development of law and policy in the area of information technology. 
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