This Saturday's afternoon program
You're invited to join the Zoom meeting this Saturday, September 16 (and subsequent Saturdays when the Center is not in retreat or hosting an All Day Sitting) from 1:30-4:30 PM (ET). There will be a timed sitting followed by a recorded talk by Springwater Center's founding teacher, Toni Packer. After the talk there will be a group dialogue. In this compelling talk, Toni examines the fight for the survival of the separate sense of "Me."
More information about Toni Packer, her life, legacy and approach to the work she called "meditative inquiry" can be found on her teacher page of Springwater Center's website.
Apologies if this is the second invitation you have received for this Saturday's Program. The invitation to the program is usually sent by different means but some technical difficulties have resulted in it being sent again.