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September 25, 2017
Kamala Harris and Cory Booker Favored for 2020, Ajit Pai Faces Opposition, Michelle Obama Has a Message for Girls, and a CBCF ALC Recap
What happens when the kid who was picked last for every team sport grows up and becomes president? This: NFL players across the country demonstrated during the national anthem on Sunday in a show of solidarity against Donald Trump. Some players took a knee, other players took the safer route and simply locked arms with each other while others simply didn’t come out of the locker room until after the anthem. When 45 disinvited Steph Curry to the WH AFTER Curry declined to attend, attacked Colin Kaepernick, and put down every athlete who uses their platform to make a statement on inequities in the criminal justice system (and their mothers), Trump added yet another group to his long list of dissenters. Maybe he wanted to distract us all from this very critical vote on healthcare coming up on Capitol Hill this week. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) shifted more money to Alaska and Maine, whose Senators have expressed reservations about the measure. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) announced his opposition to the bill on Friday. Senators will debate the legislation tonight on CNN at 9P. Meanwhile, the Blacksonian turned one! The past year the National Museum of African American History and Culture has attracted more than three million people, averaging 8,000 visitors a day. And, lastly, Oprah made her 60 Minutes debut on Sunday night with a timely piece on the divisive politics shaking the country. We’ve got a lot to get to today. Want to make sure you don’t miss anything? Find your inner Drake and start from the bottom. We’re kicking off the week with this...
  • This morning Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) and Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL) will hold a press conference on gun violence at 10A in the House Triangle.
  • Barack Obama’s spokesperson leaving 44's personal office at the end of next month.
  • Michelle Obama has a message for young girls.
  • Trump announces new travel ban restrictions.
  • NASA names new facility after Katherine Johnson.
  • Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) favorites for 2020 among CBCF ALC attendees.
  • Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) pushes for more funds for Puerto Rico.
  • Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) wants answers on HHS Secretary Tom Price’s use of private planes.
  • Survey finds majority support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
  • Dem party losing support from Black women.
  • Meet the four women bringing diversity to NBC News.
  • Howard U students not happy with ex FBI Director James Comey’s presence on campus.
  • HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson breaks with Trump in Alabama Senate race.
  • Revolt Media has a new CEO.
  • Meet mitú’s new Chief.
  • FCC Chairman Ajit Pai faces growing opposition for a new term.
  • Term-limited CA Senate Leader Kevin de León mulling over next move.
  • Want to hang out with chef José Andrés while helping victims of the Mexico earthquake? The Beat DC team will be there. Join us! Check out Tuesday’s event in FOMO and RSVP.
Women's March organizers left the CBCF ALC gala and traveled to the White House to take a knee on Saturday.
Angela Rye and Common at the CBCF ALC gala on Saturday.
Kamala Harris and Cory Booker 2020 Faves
NBC News interviewed dozens of CBC members and political insiders during last week’s Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference and found that the 2020 presidential favorites are Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Cory Booker (D-NJ). Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) said “without a doubt” African American voters would strongly favor Harris or Booker if one of them makes a serious bid, and that he expects only one of the two would run. "I don’t think you’d get both," he said. Congressman G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) said, "Booker and Harris are visionary leaders who enjoy broad support and respect in the African American community ... The Black community is not monolithic, so political thought needs to develop on the next presidential campaign. We will look at the totality of candidates and seek to reach consensus on who can beat the Republican nominee." When asked about Harris, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) said, "I like her a lot, but I like a lot of the candidates ... It’s very early." See how other CBC members weighed in here.
Obama Warned Facebook
Former President Barack Obama warned Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about Russia’s 2016 election intervention on behalf of the Donald Trump campaign. WaPo reports that the duo huddled in a private room on the sidelines of a meeting of world leaders in Lima, Peru, two months before Trump’s inauguration. Reportedly, Obama made a personal appeal to Zuckerberg on November 19th, to take the threat of fake news and political disinformation seriously. Unless Facebook and the government did more to address the threat, Obama warned, it would only get worse in the next presidential race. Zuckerberg acknowledged the problem posed by fake news. But he told Obama that those messages weren’t widespread on Facebook and that there was no easy remedy. Zuckerberg admitted last week that Facebook had indeed been manipulated and that the company would now turn over to Congress more than 3,000 politically themed advertisements that were bought by suspected Russian operatives. More here.
Senator Elizabeth Warren, a champion for working families, is looking for a Deputy Research Director to join her 2018 re-election campaign. The Deputy Research Director will work with the Research Director to take on in-depth research projects focusing on primary source and public records material for Senator Warren’s Senate re-elect. 
Groups Oppose FCC Chair Ajit Pai
Broadcasting & Cable reports that media consolidation and deregulation critics are trying to prevent FCC Chairman Ajit Pai from being confirmed for a new term. The groups say the reconfirmation should not come "while so many unanswered questions remain on the Sinclair-Tribune merger, plus they have concerns about the merger itself. Pai's term expired in June 2016, but he can continue to serve until the end of 2017. Allied Progress, IBEW Broadcasting, Latino Victory Project, and CREDO Action say Republicans are trying to "rush" reconfirmation through in the next few weeks. Democrats in Congress stalled a reconfirmation fast-track vote for Pai last month. At the time, a September recorded vote on his re-nomination was expected. More here.
Michelle Delivers Message Supporting Education for Young Girls
In a video prepared for the Global Citizen Festival in NYC, former First Lady Michelle Obama on Saturday called for more action to help young girls obtain an education. “Today 130 million girls of all ages are still not in school. This breaks my heart, both as a woman whose life was transformed by my education and as the mother of two daughters who wants them and every girl on this planet to fulfill her boundless potential,” Obama said in a video during the event, which is an annual music festival that focuses on humanitarian issues. "So while times change and I may no longer live in the White House, I have no intention of walking away from these girls.” FLOTUS 44 attended the event in 2015, where she discussed her girls education initiative, “Let Girls Learn.” Click on the image to see her video. More here.
CBCF’s Annual Legislative Caucus Recap
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Caucus concluded over the weekend. At the Phoenix Awards Dinner, co-emcees actor Anthony Anderson and WH Correspondent and political analyst April Ryan carried the evening that honored Ambassador Ron Kirk, Congressman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), educator Dr. Thomas Freeman, activist Ruby Bridges Hall, and activist Tamika Mallory. Michael Eric Dyson served as this year’s keynote speaker. At another event, the CBC spouses honored renowned award-winning filmmaker and actor Spike Lee, presenting him with a lifetime achievement award, and also honored GRAMMY award-winning gospel artist Yolanda Adams and emerging soprano Simone Paulwell. That event was hosted by actress Tichina Arnold. Rapper TI gave conference attendees a show on Thursday night. On Saturday morning, famed gospel singer Shirley Caesar delivered a word and a song at the prayer breakfast. What did they serve for breakfast this year? Greens, beans, potatoes, tomatoes … we kid, we kid. On Saturday night after the gala, rapper Common, comedian Dave Chappelle, and Frederic Yonnet had a surprise exclusive gig at Blues Alley. There was a lot that happened during this year’s conference. Too much to recap. So here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly. The good? A sea of people of color gathered in the nation’s capital united to impact policy at a very critical time. The bad? A reminder of how much people miss President Obama. The ugly? The micro mini fractures in toes after going from brain trusts to luncheons to receptions to parties to after parties in heels. See ya in 2018!
Hosts of the CBCF ALC gala WH reporter April Ryan and actor Anthony Anderson on Saturday.
Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) with NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, PR Governor Ricardo Rosselló, and NY Assemblymember Marcos Crespo on Friday viewing the island post-Hurricane Maria via helicopter.
Velásquez Pledges to Push for More Aid for Islands Affected by Hurricane Maria
Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) visited Puerto Rico on Friday as part of a delegation with NY Governor Andrew Cuomo and other NYC officials, arriving with generators and other supplies, and promising to push for further aid from Congress when she returns to DC. 
“The Puerto Rican diaspora, our heart is with you. We will use all our resources, our political power in Washington to put pressure for Puerto Rico to be allocated the funds it needs,” said Velázquez during a press conference in San Juan, adding that she is going to lobby for additional funds for the U.S. Virgin Islands as well. Velázquez, who was born and raised in Puerto Rico, said she would also introduce legislation requesting a one-year waiver for the island from maritime restrictions under a 1917 law that requires goods shipped to Puerto Rico must arrive from U.S.-flagged ships with U.S. crews, which is more costly and restricts readily available aid and shipments from outside the United States. More here from Caribbean Business.
How Puerto Rico’s Hurricane Recovery Will Influence Politics on the Mainland
WaPo reports that Puerto Rico will ask for several billion dollars in federal relief after two major hurricanes, to begin the months-long recovery. This may compel more residents to abandon an already economically distressed island. As a U.S. commonwealth, Puerto Rico has a nonvoting member of the House and no U.S. senators. It does, however, benefit from a network of Democrats and Republicans who have roots on the island, own property there, or represent states and districts with large voting blocs of residents with Puerto Rican heritage. “Puerto Rico doesn’t have a senator, so we’ve always treated it as a place we care about a lot,” Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said. About 80,000 Puerto Rico residents moved to the mainland United States last year, part of an exodus driven by the island’s devastated economy. Most of them relocated to Florida, which influenced congressional seats in 2016, resulting in the election of Congressman Darren Soto (D), the first Floridian of Puerto Rican descent to serve in Congress. It’s also another reason for lawmakers such as Rubio to worry about the island and the influence its residents may soon have over his seat. More here.
This group of cool kids represents people of color working in tech, and they hosted an exclusive after-party at the conclusion of the CBCF ALC gala on Saturday.
Congresswoman Doris Matsui (D-CA) on Saturday in her district for the Walk to End Alzheimer's.
Eric Holder and the CBCF ALC Job Fair
Former AG Eric Holder showed up at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Annual Legislative Conference job fair last week and mingled with job seekers. His law firm represents Starbucks, and he said he stopped by because he believes in the mission of the fair. Tables at the fair contained pamphlets and other information, and representatives were on hand to talk with participants about transportation, child care, food, and financial aid resources. Volunteers also helped those with criminal records who needed help navigating the job market. Some job fair attendees said they had applied for countless jobs but never heard back from employers. Some dropped out of college for financial reasons and needed to earn money before re-enrolling. Some were teenage mothers who wanted to support their families. Others had minimum-wage jobs with no potential for growth. And the best part? Some job seekers were hired on the spot. More here.
HU Students Say Comey is Not Their Homey
When former FBI Director James Comey took the stage at Howard University on Friday, he was met with protests from students who began singing the civil rights song "We Shall Not Be Moved" while other students stood with their fists raised chanting "no justice, no peace," and "get out James Comey, you're not our homey." Using a Facebook page and a Twitter account, both titled HUResist to help organize the protests, students made clear their feelings about his new position at the university as the school's King Endowed Chair in Public Policy. The former FBI Director is donating all of his $100,000 compensation for the position to a scholarship fund for students from foster homes. Protesters accused him of working against Black communities during his time as FBI director and his comments in 2015 about the so-called "Ferguson effect" when he said the increasing use of video to capture interactions between police and Black communities across the country was causing police to be timid and that was fueling an increase in crime. That notion caused an uproar, and President Barack Obama's White House disagreed with Comey's assessment. More here.
Congressman Darren Soto (D-FL) on Thursday meeting with Chacao, Venezuela Mayor Ramón Muchacho Bracho to talk about the crisis in the South American country.
Actress Tichina Arnold with newly named NBJC Executive Director David Johns.
Obama Spokesperson Leaves 44’s Personal Office
Former President Barack Obama’s spokesperson Kevin Lewis is departing Obama's personal office at the end of next month. Kevin joined the Obama team in 2006 after completing a fellowship program called "Yes We Can" created by then-Senator Obama's PAC, Hope Fund. Rising from campaign assistant to Director of African American Media for the White House, the Brooklyn native and New York University graduate eventually transitioned from the WH to serve as Press Secretary to AG Eric Holder and Acting Director of Communications for the Justice Department until January 2017. Having worked with Obama for more than 10 years, Kevin has picked up some life lessons. In a 2016 interview, he said this, “A close friend and colleague, Valerie Jarrett, told me when in doubt, when timid, throw yourself in front of lightning. Confronting your fears creates the absence of fear.  Dive all in and the fear will dissipate.  Always bet on yourself.” That’s a safe bet for the talented communications strategist. Katie Hill will be the new spokesperson. She most recently was a consultant for Protect Our Care and was an Assistant Press Secretary and Spokeswoman at the Obama White House. Stay tuned to The Beat DC for Lewis’ next move.
Revolt Names a New CEO
Former MGM Studios TV Group & Digital President Roma Khanna has been named CEO of Revolt Media and TV. At the music-themed digital cable network, founded by Chairman Sean Combs and backed by Comcast, Khanna will fill the void left by the departure of original Revolt TV CEO Keith T. Clinkscales, who left a year ago. The University of Toronto graduate earned her Masters from York University and her J.D. from the University of Detroit. Launched in October 2013, Revolt was among the new minority-owned channels Comcast committed to carrying when seeking approval for the merger with NBCUniversal. She began her career at the law firm Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP before she jumped to the entertainment industry as a Manager of Business Affairs for Sony Music Entertainment. “As Revolt continues to grow as a brand and expand globally, I knew we needed a seasoned executive with a proven track record to keep the momentum going and help me lead the network into the future,” said Combs. “Roma is that person.” More here.
mitú Names New CEO
Former Nickelodeon and BBC Worldwide North America President Herb Scannell has been named CEO of the Latino digital media company mitú. The Boston College graduate will oversee the operations of the service, which is currently generating 650 million monthly views and reaching 100 million monthly unique viewers. mitú is also the only Latino-targeted channel on Snapchat Discover. Other projects developed by mitú include the Netflix comedy special They Can’t Deport Us All With Chingo Bling, Cholos Try on Comcast Watchable, and What’s Good in Your Hood and Mom’s Movie Review for Facebook Watch. “As the son of a proud Puerto Rican mom, mitú’s promise speaks to me professionally and personally,” Scannell said. “I have long advocated that the Latino market is underserved ... so when the chance to run the fastest growing digital media company in the sector came up, I was very excited to join (President) Beatriz (Acevedo) and the team.” More here.
Congressman Jimmy Gómez (D-CA) with family and friends in LA on Saturday at his community swearing in ceremony.
Podesta Group's Oscar Ramírez poses for a selfie during the CBCF ALC gala on Saturday.
Meet the Four Women Bringing Diversity to NBC News
In recent years, NBC News has invested in a handful of diversity platforms, launching NBC Latino, run by Sandra Lilley; NBC Asian America, led by Traci Lee; NBC Out, the company’s LGBTQ vertical, headed by Brooke Sopelsa, and NBCBLK, an outlet focusing on Black America, run by Amber Payne. Recently, Women’s Wear Daily profiled the four women, who shared their vision and mission for their respective verticals. Lilley, whose vertical was launched in 2012, says, “When you look at numbers in the country, you would say, ‘oh there are so many Hispanics, Asian Americans, more people saying they are LGBTQ, African Americans, and yet sometimes, we feel that their voices are filtered in a certain way ... Sometimes the way stories are framed ... they are framed as if people write about us instead of for us and by us. I think it makes a difference when you frame a story from our lens.” Amen. More here.
Fox Orders Script Based on Our Kind of People
Back in 1999, when Lawrence Otis Graham penned the nonfiction book, Our Kind of People: Inside America’s Black Upper Class, it was the subject of much conversation as it flew of the bookshelves. The book consisted of him interviewing members of "prominent Black families" in America. Now, Fox has a script order out for a drama series based on the book. The series is described as a multi-generational family drama uncovering the lives of America’s Black upper class by chronicling a dazzling Chicago dynasty with a dark secret threatening to rip it apart. Empire’s co-Executive Producer Wendy Calhoun will write the project and also executive produce. More here.
NASA Names New Building After Hidden Figure
NASA’s Langley Research Center built its newest, state-of-the-art research facility in Hampton, VA and they named it after Katherine Johnson, the NASA engineer and subject of the book and Oscar-nominated film Hidden Figures. “You want my honest answer? I think they’re crazy,” the 99-year old math genius said when she heard about the naming of the Katherine G. Johnson Computational Research Facility. The building was dedicated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony on September 22nd in a ceremony attended by VA Governor Terry McAuliffe and Black Girls Code. It was also the 55th anniversary of astronaut Alan Shepard
's historic rocket launch and splashdown, a success Johnson helped achieve. The $23 million, 37,000-square-foot data center is named after Johnson, who broke the glass ceiling for Black women in the space program. Johnson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015 for her work as a trailblazer in the space program. More here.
The face behind that phone? WaPo's Abby Phillip, who spent the weekend working in NJ.
CNN's Jim Acosta posing with famed Princess Bride actor Carey Elwes after breakfast in DC last week. Inconceivable!
Survey Shows Drastic Dip in Black Women’s Support for Democratic Party
A new survey by the Black Women's Roundtable and Essence magazine found that the percentage of Black women who said the Democratic Party best represents their interests had dropped 11 percentage points since last year, from 85% to 74%. But African American women are not looking to the Republican Party, with only 1% saying it addresses their concerns. This year, a higher percentage said neither party "best represents the interests of Black women." I think it's great," Ashley Allison, a Barack Obama alumna and Senior Advisor to the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, said of the findings of Black women's attitudes toward the Democratic Party. "I think Black women are saying, 'I don't owe anything to anybody except myself.' " Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) says, “Democrats would do well to listen to the standard-bearers of the party, and that has been African Americans ... African American women, our friends in the Hispanic community. ... These are the standard-bearers." More here.
A new Harvard-Harris Poll from Harvard University’s Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) and Harris Insights and Analytics finds that 77% of voters overall favor a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants provided they learn English, pay fines or back taxes, and have a job. For DACA recipients, the same percentage of voters said that undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as youngsters should be shielded from deportation, with 65 percent of Republicans agreeing. Earlier this month, the administration caused an uproar when it announced the DACA program would be phased out. Eighty percent of voters said DACA should be settled through an act of Congress rather than by executive order, and 53% said Congress should pass a stand-alone DACA bill; 47% said it should be part of legislation for greater border security. More here.
Mariko Bennett of Coco B Productions getting her makeup touched up while producing the CBCF's Caribbean Day event and the Relax, Revive, Rejuvenate event during the annual conference.
Mexican Ambassador Gerónimo Gutiérrez and officials meeting last week with Texas Governor Greg Abbott.  
Trump Adjusts Travel Ban
The Trump administration on Sunday unveiled new travel restrictions on nationals from eight countries: Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. In a statement Sunday night, the White House called the new restrictions a "critical step toward establishing an immigration system that protects Americans' safety and security in an era of dangerous terrorism and transnational crime." In most cases, travel will be broadly suspended, while in others, travelers will have to undergo enhanced screening and vetting requirements. For instance, travelers from North Korea will be banned, while a foreign national from Iran could be allowed in under those greater vetting and screening requirements. The new order is more far-reaching than the president’s original travel ban, imposing permanent restrictions on travel, rather than the 90-day suspension that Trump authorized soon after taking office. More here from CNN.
Haitians Pursuing the Mexican Dream
Several thousand Haitians are flocking to Mexico’s northwest corner, and many were hoping to cross the border before the U.S. abruptly closed its doors last year. The Mexican government has welcomed them with visas that help them fill the need for labor in Tijuana’s growing economy. In a country whose population is 1% Black, Tijuana’s Haitians stand out. They share tight living quarters, sending much of their meager wages to support family in Haiti. Haitians earn far less than they would in the United States but enough to forsake the risk of getting deported by heading north. Mexico has a complicated history with race. Mexico’s elites tend to be white-skinned, and Black people are sometimes casually demeaned, even in everyday phrases such as “trabaja como un negro,” meaning “to work like a Black,” or work hard. The Mexican government is giving Haitians one-year, renewable visas that allow them to work, but not bring family. Rodulfo Figueroa, the region’s top immigration official, says Mexico is practicing what it asks of the U.S. and other countries. More here.
Cummings Probes the Cost of Tom Price’s Private Travel and Demands Receipts
Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD)
, Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee, wants to know why Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price is spending so much taxpayer money on private jets. In a letter to the Secretary, Cummings references a Politico story last week that reported Price took private jets on five separate flights for official business, at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars more than commercial travel. The outlet also reported that Price has taken 24 flights on private charter planes since May. “If these reports are accurate this would be a stunning hypocritical breach of trust given that the Trump administration at the same time is trying to take away healthcare from millions of Americans and is proposing to slash funding at HHS,” Cummings writes. Now the Congressman wants the receipts. He’s requesting the Secretary tell him who was on the flight, the cost of each flight, and exactly which agency footed the cost. Read the full letter here.
NEA VP Becky Pringle with Florida affiliate VP Fed Ingram on Thursday at the CBCF ALC'17.
CAPAC's Alton Wang on his last day as he transitions off Capitol Hill.
California Senate Leader Kevin de León Deciding His Next Move
Democratic leader of the California Senate Kevin de León has emerged as one of the most powerful political leaders, extending his influence beyond the Golden State. Now that he is up against term limits, his political future has injected uncertainty into the races for governor and U.S. Senate. It has also demanded patience from those Democrats aspiring to succeed him as leader of the legislature’s upper house. Those close to him say his 2018 options include running for governor or the seat held by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D), running for mayor of Los Angeles should current Mayor Eric Garcetti seek higher office, or going to work in private industry. More here.
Carson Breaks with Trump in AL Senate Race
Hours before Donald Trump gave that controversial speech in Alabama over the weekend at a campaign rally for Senator Luther Strange (R-AL), HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson praised Strange’s opponent, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. Trump has backed Strange, Moore’s opponent. Strange was appointed to the seat after former Senator Jeff Sessions became the Attorney General -- a seat Strange is struggling to keep. “[Moore] is truly someone who reflects the Judeo-Christian values that were so important to the establishment of our country,” Carson said in a Friday statement circulated by Moore’s campaign. “It is these values that we must return to in order to make America great again,” Carson said. “I wish him well and hope everyone will make sure they vote on Tuesday.” Is Carson breaking faith with Trump? Not so fast, says longtime Carson friend Armstrong Williams. He told the Washington Examiner that though Carson thinks the world of Moore, his statement was not an endorsement. Hmmm. Strange. More here.
Today, 10A: The Federal Communications Commission Advisory Committee on Diversity and Digital Empowerment holds its first meeting in the Commission Meeting Room at FCC headquarters, 445 12th Street, S.W. Room TW-C305.
Tuesday, September 26th, 4P: Coming Together for Mexico, a fundraiser to support recovery efforts in Mexico. Special guests include chefs José Andrés and Patricia Jinich, Ambassador Gerónimo Gutiérrez, and Hispanic Heritage Foundation’s Antonio Tijerino. Oyamel Cocina Mexicana, 401 7th Street, N.W. Suggested donation: $15. Click here to RSVP.

Wednesday, September 27th, 7P: Tim Hwang, Founder and CEO of the Government Relationship Management platform FiscalNote will be speaking at the DC Tech Meetup, where hundreds of tech professionals will gather for a special edition of the Tech Titans Fireside Chat. Speakers also include Tom Davidson, the Co-Founder and CEO of the education technology innovator EVERFI, INC. DC Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, Brian Kenner, will provide opening remarks. Click here to RSVP.

Wednesday, September 27th, 6P: The Hill Latino sponsors The Changing Face of America: Celebrating Latino Leaders. A reception with CHC Chair Congresswoman Michelle Luján Grisham (D-NM) and Congressmen Joaquín Castro (D-TX) and Will Hurd (R-TX). WeWork Dupont Circle, 1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Click here to RSVP.

Wednesday, September 27th, 6:30P: Georgetown Law professor and author Sheryll Cashin discusses her most recent book, Loving: Interracial Intimacy and the Threat to White Supremacy, with Malika Saada Saar, Google's Senior Counsel on Civil and Human Rights. Click here to RSVP.

Wednesday, September 27th, 7P: Tim Hwang, Founder and CEO of the Government Relationship Management platform FiscalNote will be speaking at the DC Tech Meetup, where hundreds of tech professionals will gather for a special edition of the Tech Titans Fireside Chat. Speakers also include Tom Davidson, the Co-Founder and CEO of the education technology innovator EVERFI, INC. DC Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, Brian Kenner, will provide opening remarks. Click here to RSVP.

Wednesday, September 27th, 8P: The 4th Annual GreenLatinos Live! A Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration of La Madre Tierra. Featuring Los Gallos Negros and guest performances. The Hamilton, 600 14th Street, N.W. Click here for more information and to RSVP.

Friday, September 29th: The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund's San Antonio Awards Gala. Click here for more information.

Saturday, September 30th, 8P: Join Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY) for Bruno Mars' 24K Magic Tour. Capital One Arena, 601 F Street, N.W. For more information or to RSVP, contact Sierra Kelley-Chung or Randy Broz at: 202.403.0606 or email:

Sunday, October 1st - October 3rd: The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce annual conference in Dallas. Click here for more information and to register.

Tuesday, October 3rd, 6:30P: The Arena Stage Dinner and Wine Auction. All proceeds support Arena Stage's award-winning artistic productions and community engagement programs. For more information and to purchase tickets, contact María Corso at: 202.600.4025 or

Wednesday, October 4th – 7th: The National Indian Education Association Convention in Orlando, FL. Click here to register.

Thursday, October 5th: The 21st annual American Courage Awards reception at the Capital Hilton in DC sponsored by the group Asian Americans Advancing Justice. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.

Thursday, October 5th, 6P: InnerCity Struggle honors Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) with the Esteban E. Torres Award at the 14th Annual Awards Dinner and Celebration. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets

Saturday, October 7th: The National LGBTQ Task Force gala in Miami. Click here for more information.

Sunday, October 10th, 7P: NMAAHC presents, "A Conversation with Ta-Nehisi Coates: We Were Eight Years in Power." Free. Sold out. Click here to be added to the waitlist for available slots.

Thursday, October 12th - 14th: Moving Mountains, A Southeast Asian American Equity SummitRenaissance Washington Hotel, 999 Ninth Street, N.W. Click here to register

Friday, October 13th - 15th: The Black44 Annual Retreat and Professional Development Weekend. Confirmed special guests: Valerie Jarrett, Former Senior Advisor and Assistant to President Obama for Intergovernmental Affairs and Michael Strautmanis, Vice President, Civic Engagement, The Obama Foundation. George Washington University, 805 21st Street, N.W. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.

Wednesday, October 18th, 6P: We Act for Environmental Justice's 2017 Awards & Gala honors changemakers New York City Councilmember Costa Constantinides, Native American activist Dallas Goodtooth, The Raben Group's Robert Raben, Hip Hop Caucus Senior Vice President Mustafa Santiago Ali, NYC Council legislative attorney Samara Swanston, and 1199 SEIU Executive Vice President Estela Vázquez. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.

Sunday, October 22nd - Wednesday, October 25th: The National Minority Supplier Development Council annual conference in Detroit, MI. Click here for more information and to register.

Friday, October 27th - 29th: The Women's Convention, where thousands are expected for a weekend of workshops, strategy sessions, forums, among other activities, to continue preparations going into the 2018 midterm elections. Cobo Center, Detroit. Click here for more information and to register.

Saturday, October 28th - Monday, October 30th: The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities 31st Annual Conference in San Diego. Click here for more information and to register.

Thursday, November 9th: Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund's Los Angeles Awards Gala. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.

Wednesday, November 29th, 8P: Join Congressman André Carson (D-IN) for JAY-Z's 4:44 Tour. Capital One Arena, 601 F Street, N.W. For more information or to RSVP, contact Courtney Hodges or Randy Broz at: 202.403.0606 or email:

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