Basic Needs
We are also thrilled to share our advocacy on Basic Needs. As students, we understand firsthand how food and housing insecurity impedes educational access and success. With 42% of Sac State students facing food insecurity, we knew that Basic Needs insecurity must be our number one priority. During the summer, I met with President Wood early on in his arrival and shared the importance of expanding our food pantry and more resources for Basic Needs. Since then, I have worked with our Vice President for Student Affairs to secure more storage space for the ASI Food Pantry. However, this is not all. I have been working directly with Senior Leadership to establish a Basic Needs Center that will open in Spring 2024. The Basic Needs Center is looking at having a second satellite food pantry to be able to serve more students and establish a clothing closet that would collect donations and create a closet for students to have access to free clothing.