KU IT Security Guidance and Tips for Winter Break
The winter holidays are a time of heightened IT security needs; people are traveling, getting new devices and changing passwords, and phishing scams are increasing. KU IT's security webpage provides guidance and tips to help protect you and the university.
KU IT Customer Service Center staff will be available over winter break to help with technology issues, including forgotten passwords, issues accessing Enroll & Pay and more. Contact the IT Customer Service Center at itcsc@ku.edu or 785-864-8080.
Prepare Nominations Now for Self Graduate Fellowships |
Faculty associated with any of the 22 eligible academic programs are encouraged to prepare Self Graduate Fellowship nominations for promising doctoral students. The Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellowship represents one of the nation’s premier support and development programs for doctoral students, providing each fellow with four years of support and leadership programming with a value exceeding $200,000.
Students cannot directly apply. Nominations from departments are due by noon, Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, using the Slate system. Students must be U.S. citizens and be admitted into an eligible Ph.D. program before being nominated by their academic department. Departments can nominate up to 10 students. Additional details about the nomination process are available in this downloadable guide or in the process timeline.
Call for Nominations | 2025 University Teaching Awards
| HR Deadline Reminders for Winter Break |
Supervisors and employees are asked to pay close attention to time and leave deadlines before and after the winter break to avoid a minimum two-week pay delay. HR has provided instructions and FAQs for time reporting during this period.
KU will provide eligible employees paid leave Dec. 26 through Dec. 31. Individuals performing essential functions (such as security, operations) whose responsibilities must continue during this period will have an alternate period of paid leave. Supervisors must approve time and leave for the Dec. 8-Dec. 21 pay period by noon on Monday, Dec. 23.
For questions, contact HR at hrdept@ku.edu or 785-864-4946.
Student Hiring Changes for Spring |
Due to restrictions from the Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), KU will no longer be able to support or allow student employees to be hired in concurrent positions with different FLSA designations (e.g. salary and hourly). Student employees holding multiple positions with different FLSA designations can continue working in both positions through the end of the academic year, May 16, 2025.
Impacted students and supervisors will be contacted in January to discuss the new policy and alternative options that may be available. For more information, visit the Student Employee Eligibility Requirements and Appointment Limits policy or contact Jody Milford (jmilford@ku.edu).
| Connect with Colleagues at TGIT
The Office of the Provost invites KU employees to its second Thank Goodness It’s Thursday (TGIT) from 4-6 p.m. on Dec. 19. RSVPs are encouraged for planning purposes.
The event will be held in the newly repurposed Hawks Nest on the first floor of the Kansas Union. Relax and connect with colleagues while enjoying free refreshments, snacks and raffle drawings for prizes.
KU Dining Hours and Locations Reduced During Winter Break
KU Dining hours and operating locations will be reduced during winter break. From Saturday, Dec. 21 to Monday, Jan. 20, The Market, Chick-fil-A, Wendy’s, Underground, Courtside Café and most Coffeehouse locations will be closed. Mrs. E’s and The Studio will have limited hours. View the complete schedule at KU Dining.
Facilities and Unit Plans During Winter Recess |
Before leaving for winter recess, please make sure that all windows are shut and the heat is left on in every space to prevent frozen pipes. Information about the changes to building temperatures, access, etc., can be found here.
Unit leaders must submit their unit's plans before Dec. 25. Because some units have special needs or may need to perform activities during the break, it is important that all units report their plans and needs.
| Friends and Family Day at the Spencer Museum |
Take a break from the holiday hustle and bustle by visiting the Spencer Museum of Art from 12-5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 27. Bring friends and family or stroll the galleries solo and experience the “Native Fashion” exhibition before it closes on Jan. 5.
Outside of this event, the Spencer Museum will be closed from Dec. 25 through Jan. 1, 2025. The museum's website will provide updates regarding inclement weather.
Upcoming Events, Dates and Deadlines |
- Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024: Last day to use 2024 Discretionary Day
Monday, Dec. 23, 2024: Approval of time & leave for 12/8/24-12/21/24 pay period due by noon
- Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024: Christmas holiday, university offices closed.
- Thursday, Dec. 26 - Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2024: Wellness Week, university offices closed.
- Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025: New Years Day, university offices closed.
- Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025: Staff Senate meeting
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The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and procedures and is the Title IX Coordinator for all KU and KUMC campuses: Associate Vice Chancellor for the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX, civilrights@ku.edu, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY. Reports can be submitted by contacting the Title IX Coordinator as provided herein or online and complaints can be submitted with the Title IX Coordinator or online.
The University of Kansas is a public institution governed by the Kansas Board of Regents.
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