Strategies To End Your Year On High Note    
Offer Bundled Services & Products  

Bundling is a merchandising strategy that consumers view favorably. Bundling makes it easier for consumers to make a decision on what they need, particularly during the holidays when they are buying gifts.

If you carry skis, boards and accessories, create different "survival kit” combinations that include all the essentials for a trip to the mountain - skis, bindings, boots, poles, goggles, hand warmers, etc.

If you are an outdoor retailer, highlight camping bundles that show all the key pieces of gear that someone should have with them on their next camping trip.
Customers Use Financing At Other Retailers...And Expect You To Offer It Too
Customers are used to having financing offered to them when they shop at other stores, whether it’s by a sales associate, advertisement or signage. 
When customers come to your store, more of them are expecting that you will have financing options available, particularly if they are planning to make a large purchase. If a customer walks in planning to buy a new kayak, backpack with tent and sleeping bag, or a pair of skis and expects to be able to use financing but you don't offer it, at best you've disappointed them. At worst, you've lost the sale.
Plus, financing incentivizes customers to return to YOUR store, because when customers get approved for financing through our private label card program, they receive a card with your store's name on it.
Promote Your Expertise By Scheduling Clinics At Your Store

Hosting regular classes is a great way to reinforce that you are the "go-to" resource for product knowledge and service expertise in your market. Some examples:

For outdoor customers, offer basic clinics on winter camping, basic navigation skills, local trails, and adventure travel.  

For winter sports customers, hold ski and snowboard tuning and waxing classes.

For bike customers, offer basic repair, advanced repair and fix-a-flat clinics.

CCA Sports Retail Services helps independent retailers maximize their profitability through combined economies of scale and through business savings, marketing and operations programs. These retail services include a private-label consumer financing program with the lowest rates in the active lifestyle industry. For information on becoming a CCA Sports Retail Services member:
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