Clackamas County Sustainability Newsletter for Multifamily Property Managers 
Summer/Fall 2024
Your quarterly guide to successful recycling & waste reduction
from Clackamas County's Sustainability & Solid Waste Program
In this edition:
  • Summer Shenanigans
  • RecycleOrNot Game
  • Fruit & Veggie Storage Tip Cards
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...Our Stuff (Interactive Map)
  • ClackCo Multifamily Bulky Waste Report
Summer Shenanigans

From parades to festivals, we've been there. Thanks to those of you who have invited us to join you at your summer gatherings and National Night Out events. For others, it's not too late to have us join you at a community event. 
While we can't guarantee to make every get-together, let us know the dates and times of your events. You get the residents there, and we (ClackCo Sustainability & Solid Waste staff and/or Master Recycler Volunteers) will bring the recycling and/or waste reduction education, games, and prizes. 
No event planned? No worries, we are still happy to get you recycle guide flyers, magnets, and more! Requestion resources online at your convenience.

Do you manage communities outside of Clackamas County? See our list of regional multifamily contacts throughout the tri-county area who are ready to help with your waste prevention, reuse, and recycling efforts.
RecycleOrNot Game

RecycleOrNot Game

To swipe left or right?...That is the question... The RecycleOrNOt game is a quick, fun way to test your recycling knowledge. This local, low-stakes, swiping game can help you freshen up your knowledge and quiz your family, friends, and housemates. Anyone up for a little friendly competition? 
Play today at
Also available in Spanish at
ReciclarONO Game
Fruit & Veggie Storage Tip Cards

Whether you are growing your own fruits and veggies this summer, buying fresh produce at the local (farmers) market, or receiving fruits and veggies in a food box, we have the tools to help you make it last longer.
Zucchini, summer squash, tomatoes, and peaches are just a few of the fruits and veggies locally available right now. Typically, it's best to refrain from washing fresh fruits and veggies until you're ready to eat them. How to best store different items varies, and freezing isn't always an option. To help you sort it all out, we have fruit and veggie storage tip cards so you don't have to remember what works best for each item.
Download fruit and veggie storage tip cards or request copies today:
  • Mid-Summer (4) - Cucumbers, Peaches/Plums,/Apricots/Cherries, Tomatoes, Zucchini/Summer Squash

  • Fall (4) - Apples, Broccoli/Brussels Sprouts/Cauliflower, Potatoes/Onions, Winter Squash

  • Late Spring (4) - Blueberries/Strawberries, Green Beans/Snap Peas, Hearty Greens, Salad Greens

  • All Storage Tip Cards (12) - All 12 above
Interactive Refill, Reuse, and Share Map
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...Our Stuff (Interactive Map)

Last edition, we talked about reducing and reusing our food. This edition, let's get back to the basics - reducing and reusing our stuff (the things we buy, use, and discard). 
The things we use impact the environment long before we buy them. In fact, often times these "upstream" processes (resource extraction, manufacturing, transportation, etc.) have greater environmental impacts than when we use and discard the item. For example, before we can wear a cotton shirt, the cotton must be grown (soil, sunlight, water), harvested (labor, machines), processed (transportation, machines, energy), manufactured into a shirt (labor, machines, energy), and packaged (more resources) and transported (more labor, energy, and emissions) to a store or our doorstep.
We then must wear and care for the shirt to prolong it's lifespan, including all the energy and resources that went into making it. Alternatively, we can consider buying secondhand and maintaining our existing clothing before buying new.
Other fun ways to reduce and reuse are by refilling and sharing! Did you know you can avoid single-use packaging by bringing your own container/bag to various stores in and near Clackamas County? You can also share infrequently used items by visiting Libraries of Things or rental shops.
Learn more and use the interactive map to find convenient ways to reduce, reuse, refill and share in Clackamas County:
Flyers: Download or request today:
Reuse Organizations: English | Spanish
Refill, Repair & Share: English | Spanish
ClackCo Multifamily Bulky Waste Report
As you may well know, furniture, mattresses, and other items that are too large to fit in the regular garbage container can cause big problems at multifamily communities. They can overfill the dumpster, they can block access to the bins, and they look unsightly. In an effort to better understand the problems and identify potential solutions, and with the help of state funding, Clackamas County Sustainability & Solid Waste worked with local garbage and recycling companies to provide bulky waste collection service between October 2022 through December 2023 to 50+ multifamily communities.
To learn more about the project, review the Multifamily Bulky Waste Project Report 2022-2023. This report and more can be found at

Questions? Have a suggestion?
Download our Recycle Guides
 English Español (Spanish) | Русский (Russian) | tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) 
中文 (Simplified Chinese) 한국어 (Korean) | ภาษาไทย (Thai)

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