To celebrate the release of The Power of Trees, check out the rest of the our titles by Peter Wohlleben!
The Power of Trees
Nature / Plants / Trees
Available Now
9781771647748 | Hardback with printed dust jacket
$28.95 USD
World x ANZ, CA Rights 
In his beloved book The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben revealed astonishing discoveries about the social networks of trees and how they communicate. Now, in The Power of Trees, he turns to their future, with a searing critique of forestry management, tree planting, and the exploitation of old growth forests.
Be a Nature Explorer!
Juvenile Nonfiction / Science & Nature
9781771649698 | Paperback

$12.95 USD
World x CA (x DE) Rights
Our Little Farm
House & Home / Sustainable Living
9781771646253 | Hardback
$24.95 USD
World x CA Rights
Can You Hear the Trees Talking?
Juvenile Fiction / Legends, Myths, Fables
9781771644341 | Hardback
$19.95 USD
World x CA Rights
Hidden life of Trees
Nature / Plants / Trees
9781771642484 | Hardback
$24.95 USD
World x ANZ, CA, IN Rights
The Heartbeat of Trees
Nature / Plants / Trees
9781771646895 | Hardback

$26.95 USD
World x ANZ, CA, IN Rights
What's Wild Outside Your Door?
Juvenile Nonfiction / Science & Nature
9781771648950 | Hardback
$19.95 USD
World x CA Rights
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