Consider taking classes at Tufts this summer
Consider taking classes at Tufts this summer
Tufts Student Life
Summer Term Registration Opens January 4
December 14, 2021
Dear Student,
Do you want to tackle a challenging class and catch up on credits outside the pressures of the regular school year? Or are you interested in pursuing the elective you didn't have time for during the semester? If yes, then why not consider spending some more time at Tufts this summer!
As an undergraduate student, you may choose to continue to live and study on campus or study remotely at a time that is convenient for you. With a large offering of evening and virtual courses, Summer Courses at Tufts is accessible to anyone looking for the flexibility to combine summer study with internships and work or even travel and vacation. It's a great time to keep learning outside the hustle and bustle of the academic year.
Tufts has an endless array of options to meet your interests and needs this summer. Plan your summer now.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at 617-627-2000 or
The team at Courses at Tufts
University College | Tufts University
T: 617-627-2000
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