A Message from CCAC Executive Director Mark Hopkins
Dear Members and Friends,
Although August is usually a slower month, this August was a bit of a whirlwind for Chicago Central Area Committee and me. Since joining the organization in mid-July I’ve been fortunate to meet with dozens of CCAC members both in person and online. Our August special edition Membership Meeting was very well attended and we had an interesting and valuable conversation about the future of CCAC and the upcoming strategic planning process. Thanks to each member who participated.
Please mark your calendar for September 14th from noon to 1:00 p.m. for the next CCAC Membership Meeting where we’ll hear from Commissioner Mark Kelly of the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events. Commissioner Kelly will be retiring soon and this will be a good chance to hear his perspective on the city and its potential for the future.
The organization is also working closely with the Department of Planning and Development as it continues to implement the Mayor’s Invest South/West initiative. Commissioner Cox has recruited Perkins & Will to help develop a two-year “report card” on the progress of the program. We’re working closely with the Perkins & Will and City teams and the process to develop the report is already underway. Overall, Invest South/West is moving ahead well – and quickly. The planning work in many of the target corridors is moving swiftly and we all look forward to seeing scaffolds, bulldozers and cranes at the sites.
As I mentioned, we’re about to begin a strategic planning process to develop the big, long-term goals of the organization and the program of work to achieve them. The overarching aim of the process is to increase the impact of the organization. If you’re interested in providing input and guidance in this process, please get in touch with me. I would appreciate your perspective and insight.
Thank you for your membership and your commitment to our organization. Together we can accomplish great things for Chicago and Chicagoans.
Enjoy the remaining weeks of Summer and I look forward to seeing and speaking with you in the near future.
All the best,