Leadership Transition
If your organization selected December/January leadership transition on your JumboLife organization registration form, your page will be put into Transition on November 30, 2022. Until the transition form is completed, you will not be able to submit events or update your roster. You will receive an email notification when it is time to process your Transition Form. Please be sure to review these directions in advance and utilize our transition resources.
Upcoming Dates & Deadlines
- Tuesday, November 21: Last day to submit TCU Treasury Application for Use of the Credit Card form
- Monday, November 27: Last day to submit an event registration form for any fall events or travel
- Friday, December 1: Last day to make space reservations in ReserveTufts. Reservation must be placed by 4:30pm. Student Organizations will lose access to the system after this deadline.
- Monday, December 11: Last day to submit all other TCU Treasury forms
- Monday, December 11: Last day to host any student organization events or meetings
- Monday, January 8th: Spring 2024 non-academic spaces are available for reservation on ReserveTufts by 10am
- Tuesday, January 16: Spring 2024 academic spaces are available for reservation on ReserveTufts by 10am
- Wednesday, January 17: First day Spring 2024 student organization events, meetings, travel or auditions may occur
Space Reservations
As you are likely aware, spaces on campus are becoming increasingly difficult to reserve. Be sure to reserve any December space needs as soon as possible. We do not expect many spaces to be available after the fall recess.
Space reservations in non-academic spaces for the Spring 2024 semester will open on January 8, 2024. Space reservations for academic spaces will open on January 16, 2024.
Any requests for academic spaces dated between January 18 and February 2 will be approved one business day prior. Reservation requests dated beyond February 2 will not be approved before February 2, when the academic schedule is finalized. As always, please be aware that academic courses have priority in academic spaces. All student organization requests in academic spaces are subject to change if a class needs to be switched into that space.
Student Organization Award Fall Nominations
Let's celebrate your organization's accomplishments during the fall semester! The Tufts Community Union Judiciary Board is now accepting nominations for the annual student organization awards at https://go.tufts.edu/2024orgawards. Submit your fall programs now while they're fresh in your mind! The annual Student Organization Award Ceremony will take place in April. Check out award information and updates here.
Purchasing & Financial Paperwork
To ensure all submissions are processed in a timely manner and any purchased items arrive prior to the end of the semester, all Application for Use of the Credit Card forms should be submitted by Tuesday, November 22. All other TCU Treasury forms (Reimbursement, Independent Contractor, Deposit, etc.) must be submitted by Monday, December 12. If any requested items cannot be delivered before Monday, December 12, the CLFO will not place the order until the spring semester as they are not able to store packages over the semester break.
Spring Semester Travel
If your organization is planning travel in the first 2 weeks of the spring semester, you must submit your JumboLife event registration form by Monday, December 12. Lodging and travel financial transactions must be completed before students leave for the fall semester.