Bishop, parishes celebrate Mass of the Lord's Supper 
on Holy Thursday
Bishop Richard F. Stika celebrated the Mass of the Lord's Supper at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on Holy Thursday. In an unprecedented setting during this unusual time in the history of the Church, the Mass was celebrated inside the empty cathedral but in front of four television cameras which were streaming the Mass to hundreds of viewers online. Priests from around the Diocese of Knoxville joined the bishop in celebrating the beginning of the Easter Triduum in their empty churches or chapels. Many of the Masses were streamed online so parishioners could watch and participate. Pictured above are photos from the cathedral, St. Albert the Great in Knoxville, and St. Francis of Assisi in Fairfield Glade. Click images for larger view.
Bishop Stika offers Holy Week video message
Just a few hours before celebrating Holy Thursday Mass, Bishop Richard F. Stika offered this video message on Holy Week and the Easter Triduum. Click the image to watch. 
Live online streaming schedule from the cathedral
In addition to the Holy Thursday Mass, Bishop Richard F. Stika, Father David Boettner, and the clergy of the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus will celebrate Easter Triduum services and Masses on Good Friday at noon and 3 p.m., Holy Saturday at 8 p.m., and Easter Sunday at 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m. (Bishop Stika), 11 a.m., and 1 p.m. (Spanish). Please visit for a direct link to the services and Masses and a list of parishes in the diocese that are also offering online Masses this weekend
Easter Sunday Mass to be re-broadcast
on Knoxville television station
The 9 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, celebrated by Bishop Richard F. Stika, will be re-broadcast on Knoxville television station WATE-TV, Channel 6, beginning at 2 p.m. on Easter Sunday. 
A great Holy Week resource for you and your family
On behalf of Bishop Stika and all of our priests, deacons and religious, we are happy to share with you this wonderful resource. We hope you find it helpful and pray that it may enhance your celebration of Holy Week during this difficult time. Please continue to keep our priests in your prayers as I know they continue to pray for all of us. With prayerful good wishes for a blessed Holy Week, 
John Deinhart
Director of Stewardship and Strategic Planning

April edition of the East Tennessee Catholic now available
The April 2020 edition of The East Tennessee Catholic arrived at homes this week. In this edition, Bishop F. Stika responds to the coronavirus pandemic, suspending public Masses in the diocese and working to reach the faithful during this unusual time. Cardinal Justin Rigali reflects on the pandemic in the context of the Church's history. 
The issue also features Knoxville Catholic High School's historic boys' basketball state championship and Our Lady of Fatima's 20th anniversary of its church building. You can read these stories and more online here
Basilica priests bring Christ to parishioners' homes
To encourage the faithful during this pandemic and time of closed churches, Fathers David Carter, Colin Blatchford, and Valentin Iurochkin and Sister Imelda Quechol, MAG, have been travelling around Chattanooga, giving parishioners a chance to pray before Christ in the Eucharist in their yards. Father Carter estimated that they reached 100 households in the past week. Read more and see pictures from the Chattanooga Times Free Press.
Virtual piano concert from Basilica April 15
The Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul will be hosting a short virtual piano concert on Wednesday, April 15 at 6 p.m.. Father Valentin Iurochkin will be sharing his talents on the piano featuring his favorite pieces by Chopin and more. Father Iurochkin is originally from Russia and is currently in residence at the basilica.
Support your parish with online offertory 
You can support your parish online by accessing your parish’s website directly or connecting through a secure link provided here. You can make a one-time gift or set up a regular ongoing donation. In either case, rest assured that all proceeds will go directly to your parish just as your regular offertory envelope or a gift in the offertory basket would. Our priests and parishes have always been here for us and will continue to be here for us, now and in the future.  Please continue to provide your support to your parish during this time so they can continue in their vital ministry.
The gift of Spiritual Communion 
The gift of Spiritual Communion is being offered to all of the faithful who participate in daily and Sunday Masses online. Spiritual Communion is not a substitute for receiving the Eucharist, but it does provide a way to unite ourselves to God through prayer. "Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come spiritually into my heart..." these are the words of St. Alphonsus Ligouri, and they are commonly used during the Act of Spiritual Communion which can be prayed at any time and in any place.
Youth and Young Adult Ministry resources
The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry is providing links to several nationally-compiled resource lists that can help you or the young people you know during this unexpected time of quarantine and social distancing: 
Resources for Young Adult Ministry in response to COVID-19
Bilingual Resources for Youth Ministry amidst COVID-19
Bilingual Resources for Pastoral Juvenil Ministry during COVID-19

CCETN offers remote counseling services
Catholic Charities of East Tennessee is currently offering remote, telehealth counseling to help
address the mental health needs of people throughout the Diocese of Knoxville. Licensed counselors
are providing counseling via videoconferencing using a secure web-based service. Appointments are available Mondays through Thursdays, with a limited number of evening appointments available. Session costs are based on a sliding scale fee structure that takes into account a client’s income. To participate in telehealth counseling, a client needs access to a computer or smartphone with an internet connection. For more information or to request the first appointment, please contact our counselors at
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