Dear Community,
In many states you can vote right now! Our puppy Rosalind Franklin is psyched for us all to start voting! Some states have extra requriments especially around mail in ballots--but don't let that deter you. Watch the hilarious "Naked Ballots" video to make sure you're meeting this year's standards.
We are also putting the finishing touches on our two-min election/pandemic film. We can't wait to share it with you all very soon!
My book 24/6 comes out in paperback on Oct. 20. Whoot. There will be a lot of exciting things happening around then. Preorder the book here and save Oct. 20 5 PT/8 EST for a special online event with Book Passage where I will be in conversation about the book with a celebrated thinker.
Big congratulations to UC Berkeley chemist Jennifer Doudna for winning the Nobel Prize for her work on CRISPR.
Below, a new dispatch from my brother Dr. Jordan Shlain, election-related events, things to watch, experience, and more.