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Let's provide a Season of Hope!

Dear Friend in Christ:

Peace be with you.

This is from my brilliant sister Lindsey and my Dad, Bob, who passed away on September 23, 2020…..

Did I ever tell you how my parents fell in love? Letters. From across the world. For almost TWO years. Dad had just served in Vietnam and was stationed in North Carolina. Mom was a shy Catholic gal living with her family in the Philippines. He wrote eloquent poems for her. This was long before email, snaps, and text messages. Before the world got so complicated. Can you imagine waiting for her reply to this letter?! Well..... "Love is patient..."

My Most Important Question

Imagine if you will,
The world without the sun,
A flower without the color,
A song that isn’t sung,
A baby without crying,
A candle that goes un-lighted,
That is what our love would be,
If we are not united.
You know my love for you,
Is the most true that you can find.
I believe your love for me,
Is also of this kind.
So Lucy please say ‘Yes’, 
To the question I ask of Thee,
My precious Little One,
Will you please marry me?
Two loves that go un-joined,
Is like the world without God.

Our clients at Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska need the love of Christ through His people this Christmas. Many clients cannot even think about providing a Christmas of fun because they do not know how they will even get through a day. Rent, gasoline, food, clothing, toiletries, and the basic necessities of life are tough for them to provide. CSS helps them with emergency cash assistance, vehicle repairs, food pantries, counseling, and even a free breakfast and sack lunch daily.

Will you partner with us and help with a monetary gift to be Christ’s love to the poor?

We have seen a generous outpouring of care for those impacted by the events of this year. But the need is great and the amount of calls for help is starting to climb. Our operations such as St. Gianna’s Women’s Homes, food pantries, food distributions, cash assistance, and car assistance programs must continue to hear and answer the cry of the poor.

Thank you for your consideration to help the poor and vulnerable with a monetary gift.
We realize the sacrifice it is to donate. Please consider giving what means you can to help bring others Hope in the Good Life!! 

Thank you for your time and generosity. Thank you for your faith in Christ. Thank you for your love of Christ. May we all continue to pray for one another and may God bless us all! Cheers!!!!!

Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Justin Fulton
Executive Director, Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska
P.S.: Every day, families and individuals across southern Nebraska come to us, seeking relief from their fears and anxiety- and seeking compassion. Please consider helping us with a gift during this Season of Hope- $10, $25 or $50, any amount will help and will be appreciated. May God bless you and your family!
To help provide a SEASON OF HOPE to those in need, click here!
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