Student Voting- Hinckley Institute of PoliticsWe can help you vote, no matter what!
Sign up for election reminders and get help with voter registration and voting by mail — all in one place!
Find the information you need to vote with confidence.
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CSBS Advising Virtual Registration EventNovember 9 | 8:00AM- 12:00PM
November 10 | 11:00AM- 4:00PM
CSBS Advisors will be online to chat with students on November 9 and 10! All you have to do is go to the CSBS Advising website, scroll down to the advisors to see who is online, and click the "chat" button to talk with your advisor!
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Access the New York Times OnlineThanks to the ASUU, Student Life, Academic Affairs, Human Resources, and the Marriott Library, everyone at the University of Utah now has a complimentary NYTimes.com subscription! This includes students, staff, and faculty.
Activate Your Complimentary Access to NYTimes.com, provided by the University of Utah here!
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University of Utah Food DriveOctober 12- November 25
The annual University food drive is here! You can drop off food donations at the College of Social and Behavioral Science Dean's Office (Gardner Commons Suite 3725) or at the Feed U Pantry, which is located in the basement level of the Union building. Monetary donations can be made by visiting the UGive Food Pantry Donations Page.
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Gender-Based Violence StudyResearchers in the College of Social Work are launching a new study to investigate how gender-based violence impacts the lives of people at the U who identify as women. Click here to take an anonymous online survey and enter for an opportunity to win 1 of 10 $50 gift cards to the University of Utah campus store!
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2021 CSBS Undergraduate Scholarships; Graduate Fellowships & ScholarshipsAre you a CSBS Undergraduate student? You can complete just ONE application per major and apply for multiple scholarships!
Many scholarships require a high GPA, but not all!
Application opens November 1, 2020 and closes February 1, 2021.
Are you a CSBS Graduate student? Complete your CSBS Fellowship Application to be considered for many CSBS Fellowships!
Application opens December 1, 2020 and closes April 1, 2021.
Don’t forget to reach out to CSBS departments for individual Fellowship opportunities.
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FCS 5730: Community and Environmental Change
Learn how to make lasting positive change in your community! In this class, students will analyze the sociopolitical context in which change operates, the impact of environmental and social changes, major models and methods of practice, and tools to promote public participation.
This course provides a theoretical foundation and hands-on experience
developing and evaluating community interventions. Special emphasis will be placed on collaborative and participatory planning.
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Fall Financial WorkshopsLearn how to get your financial wellness in shape for fall! The Financial Wellness Center has now transitioned to an entirely virtual model with fall workshops held over Zoom.
This month's workshop will be led by Jasmine Tillery, the founder of Money & Momming.
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Consider a Degree in Economics!Economics studies how we organize our societies, and how we make a living. It investigates all the big questions of today, from globalization, inequality, and sustainability to the future of jobs. In the process, economics students hone skills in critical and analytical thinking and writing. The major in economics provides a deep and rich foundation that will propel your career in any direction you want to take.
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Pandemic Leaving College Students Uncertain of FutureThe COVID-19 Pandemic has left college students uncertain of their future.
Research from Utah psychology professor Monisha Pasupathi, Ph.D., is leading a multi-institution collaboration to study mental health in undergraduates.
Her team has been studying freshmen across the country. Their findings matched what she has seen at the U. When the pandemic hit in spring, students had a two- to three-fold increase in mental health concerns.
Researchers have also looked at how students' stories about COVID-19 change over time, and how that relates to their mental health, identity development, and academic outcomes.
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Pesticide Alternatives- Anqi DengWe should find pesticide alternatives. Our health depends on it. Solutions Scholar Anqi Deng recently published an article in the Deseret News addressing these issues, and the deleterious consequences that come with using pesticides including increased cancer development rates and environmental pollution. Check out the article to learn more about the actions people and governments can take to limit their harmful effects through improved education and government policy, greater emphasis placed on improving pesticide management, and lowering usage.
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Use Canvas Subscriptions to Your Advantage
Did you know that Canvas has the ability to automate many of your notifications, so you easily can stay up-to-date on your courses? Getting notifications about your classes, be it from discussions or events on your Canvas calendar, is now more important than ever with the rise of online and IVC courses. Canvas subscriptions not only allow you to receive notifications when new posts are added to a discussion you are subscribed to, but you can also sync your personal calendar with your Canvas calendar, to help ensure you never miss another class event or assignment deadline! These subscriptions are wonderful because the calendar feed will contain events and assignments from all of your Canvas calendars, which will automatically be imported to your personal calendar. You can also create a personal RSS feed to receive all your Canvas announcements via any personal RSS feed reader.
To learn how to subscribe to these features, visit the following articles in the Canvas Knowledge Base.
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Upcoming DeadlinesFriday, November 6
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Featured Event
Wednesday, November 4
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