Normal Park Families,
Thanks for a great SPARK week. Not only did we raise a lot of money for our school, but we had fun doing it! We are thankful to all the volunteers who helped make it happen!
Let’s make it a great week!
Jamelie Johns
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View and save the 2023/24
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Follow us on Instagram @npmmforkandgavel
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Free Healthcare Clinic- September 9-10Offering Dental, Vision and Medical exams completely free. For more info click here
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Health Screenings Lower School- September 7thUpper School- September 8th
Every year students are screened for specific health problems depending on their grade level. Parents/Guardians who do not want their children screened have the right to decline their screenings for their children. K, 2, 4, 6, 8 students will be screened for vision, hearing, and body mass index. If you would like your student to opt out you can fill out the form here and return it to the nurse’s office. We assume opt in unless the form is completed.
Nurse Dawn: morrow_dawn@HCDE.org
Nurse Jennifer : defoor_jennifer@HCDE.org
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**All rollover hours from the 2022-2023 school year will be posted by the end of September
Volunteers Needed
Pom Squad Volunteers Needed: Signup
Happy Cart (Upper and Lower): Signup
Upper School Copy Fairy- new spots added: Signup
Lower School Copy Fairy- New spots added: Signup
Upper School Exhibit Help: Signup
Football Game Volunteers: Signup
Click here to log hours: Normal Park Parent Volunteer Form. You may email Tiffany Phillips phillips_tiffany@hcde.org at the Lower School or Sonia August august_sonia@hcde.org at the Upper School with questions regarding your volunteer hours.
Donations needed:7th grade history is looking for coffee cans or canisters (oatmeal, grits, etc...). You can drop off at the office at the US labeled 7th grade
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Important Reminders and Updates
**Starting the week of September 5th, we will no longer dismiss students after 2:30. The last few minutes of the school day are very important and lots of movement is happening.
**PLEASE email parent and doctor's notes to Heather Buttram: buttram_heather@HCDE.org
Click here for Grade Level Memos
Click here to make School, Learning Expedition, Athletic, or Pre-K payments. Pre-K payments are due at the first of month and can be paid at the link above.
All visitors must bring their Driver's License when entering the building to volunteer or dismiss a student during the school day.
Per School Board policy: Upon a student's arrival in the building, all electronics, cell phones, headphones, and smart watches should not be seen or heard during the school day and kept in a locker or backpack. First violation: The device is confiscated and parent must pick up or held for 3 days.
Playground Reminders:
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Dropoff and Dismissal Reminders:
All: Unless you are utilizing the handicapped parking spaces at the rear of the building, no one should drive up the ramp/drive for drop off or aftercare pick up.
Car Riders: Please put away your cell phones when in the car rider line. All students must be dismissed into a vehicle with a car tag. If you park your vehicle, you must pick up your student from walkers.
- Students can only be loaded and unloaded on the right side of the car
- The entrance of the car line is at Barton and Worthington. Please do not make a U-turn and cut into the car line.
- Parents should not get out of the car in the car line.
- Do not enter the car line from Dugdale St
Bike Riders: To the parents of Lower School Bike riders, please review bike rider safety procedures such as stopping at stop signs and using the bike lane.
Walkers: For the safety of our students, please DO NOT walk thru the car rider line. Use the sidewalks and crosswalks to safely get to your car.
- Please do not complete the QR code until you are on school property
- All parents must come to the edge of the front steps to retrieve their student.
- No dogs are allowed on campus
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| Normal Park Museum Magnet
Fall 2023 After School Activities
Check out some of the new options for Afterschool activites your child can particpate in including Soccer, Spanish, Dance and Singers group. All after school dismissal locations and pick up details and information will be provided to parents and guardians from each program once rosters have been completed. All programs are on a first come first basis and fill up quickly. If you have questions about the programs, please contact the organization, not the school.
Click here to sign up: Fall After School Activites - Spanish, Dance options for K-3, 3rd grade Singers
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Library News
Normal Park Students Prek-3rd grade will participate in the Read 20 Probasco Readers Program. Please enter at least 20 minutes’ worth of reading time for your child each weeknight. You may sign logs by the day or for the week. (5 days = 100 minutes for the week.) But the more minutes you read and enter, the closer we will reach our goal of reading 1.2 million minutes this school year! Students who complete their reading logs and turn them in will have their names entered into a grade level drawing for monthly prizes.
Click on the link below and fill out the Google form each day or week to log your student’s reading minutes. Read 20: 2023-2024
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Garden PatchThe parent Garden Team has worked hard this summer to keep the garden alive and thriving through the heat and dry conditions.We have a lot of energy heading into the fall, and our vision is to get each grade at Normal Park out into the garden at some point during the year -- whether that is harvesting beans, learning about pollinators and native plants, or fighting back invasives. If you are interested in being a part of this in any way, either by participating in garden days on the third Sunday of each month, by watering our existing plants or by supporting our amazing teachers as they are building their curriculums, please sign up here to let us know that you are interested.
**Our first Garden Brainstorming Meeting is on Wednesday, September 6th at 5:30 in the Lower School garden. If you have questions or want to discuss further, please email us at normal.park.garden.patch@gmail.com ! We are also on Instagram at normal.park.garden.patch
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Important Reminders and Updates
All visitors must bring their Driver's License when entering the building to volunteer or dismiss a student during the school day.
- Per School Board policy: Upon a student's arrival in the building, all electronics, cell phones, headphones, and smart watches should not be seen or heard during the school day and kept in a locker or backpack. First violation: The device is confiscated and parent must pick up or held for 3 days.
Drop off and Dismissal Reminders - Car Rider line: Please try to pull all the way forward when inside of the car rider loop so that we can maximize the number of children in each "wave". If you are within the loop, PLEASE have your child exit the vehicle when the traffic stops so that we can avoid any unnecessary stoppage of traffic.
- Morning and Afternoon Pickup- Please be midful of the children moving within the loop
There should be NO cell phone while your vehicle is within the loop, please keep eyes on the road and vigilant for children who may move unpredictably (THIS IS A STATE LAW)
Playground Reminders:
The playground is open to the public after 6 PM and on weekends. Animals are not allowed on campus, the playground or field at any time.
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School Activites
Career Exploration ClassThis year, 6th - 8th graders have the opportunity to take a career exploration class. To make this course the best it can be, I need your help! I am hoping to embed as many opportunities as possible for students to interview, get feedback from, and visit experts in the field. It is my goal to expose students to as many different career pathways as possible!
***If you would like to get involved, please indicate your preferences on this survey
*Donations Needed- Blank thank you cards. Students will use these to practice writing thank you cards for guest speakers and interviews
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2022-23 Lightning Athletic Club Board Members
Emily Goolsby: Director
Tiffany and Matt Phillips, Alison and John Dorough, Caroline and Blake Kaylor, Yasmine Key, Brittany Griffin, Jimmy Gaines, Paul Hoeswicher.
Please contact Tiffany Phillips to join the LAC Board at phillips_tiffany@hcde.org . Any parent/guardian of a student althlete is welcome to join this team!
Join Lightning Athletic Club via Facebook or contact lightningathelticclub@gmail.com.
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Please take time to load money on your child's account in our new system, Linq, send lunch money, or fill in the free/reduced lunch form.
If you are having trouble with your Linq lunch account, please contact Ben Rhodes at rhodes_ben@hcde.org or 423.498.7277.
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