Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium, Sept. 8 Campus Lockdown Drill, Sept. 14
KNOW THIS campus news
Puget Sound rocks. We made The Princeton Review's annual list of Best Colleges. And a few other lists, including Forbes' Best Value Colleges and Top Colleges, Kiplinger's Best College Values, and MONEY magazine's Best Colleges. Go Loggers!
Get your smoothie fix. The Lillis Cafe in the Athletics and Aquatics Center is open! The newest campus dining spot offers coffee, tea, pastries, grab-and-go options, and speciality/custom smoothies. Cafe hours: M–F, 7 a.m.–1:30 p.m., and 3:30–8 p.m.
Share an evening of scholarship, debate, and dinner. Rachel DeMotts, politics and government, explores contemporary ecology through Buddhism and environmental awareness at the first Daedalus Dinner of the semester on Tuesday, Sept. 27. Reserve your seat ($15) by Sept. 20, by calling x3207.
Community music adds new Suzuki class for infants and toddlers. "Nurtured by Music" is a new class for young children, beginning Oct. 6. Learn more about this and other community music classes offered this fall at pugetsound.edu/communitymusic.
Visit Puget Sound in the future—and the past. Every Wednesday this fall, Collins Memorial Library Archives and Special Collections will share part of a series of articles originally printed in The Trail in 1928 about a student who falls asleep—in 1928—and wakes up on campus in 2021. Check it out on The Puget Papers Tumblr.
There’s an active shooter on campus. Do you know what to do? We're conducting an all-campus lockdown drill on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 10:45 a.m. It may be in the middle of class. Or a meeting. It may be inconvenient. It may mean your safety and the safety of those around you in the event of an actual emergency. Get ready. Review lockdown procedures and watch the training video Shots Fired on Campus (login required). 
Make sure we have your cellphone number. You will not receive a security alert about the drill on Wednesday—or future emergency notices—if we do not have your cellphone number. To provide your number or check to see that our records are current, send an email to hr@pugetsound.edu.
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DO THIS featured events and announcements
See the new Student Diversity Center and Social Justice Center. Yellow House Block Party, Sept. 7, 4 p.m.
Talk to students about their research. The Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium begins at 4 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8, on the second floor of Harned Hall. 
Food, drinks, and fellow faculty and staff? Yes, please. All 21+ nonstudent employees of Puget Sound are invited to the University Club Open House, Friday, Sept. 9, from 4 to 7 p.m. Drop in any time. Not sure where to go? The University Club is No. 50 on the campus map.
Nothing rocks like the harp. The annual Jacobsen Series begins Friday, Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m., with a concert featuring French composers and showcasing the harp, with faculty performers Catherine Case, Karla Flygare, Alistair MacRae, Joyce Ramee, Maria Sampen, Tanya Stambuk, and Dawn Padula. Tickets are $10 at Wheelock Info Center or tickets.pugetsound.edu.
Help end Alzheimer's disease. Walk to End Alzheimer's, Sept. 11, 11 a.m.
LoggerUP. Women's soccer takes on Whittier and Concordia M'head at home this week!
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BE PROUD noteworthy and in the news
Dan Burgard, chemistry, co-wrote "Bridge-based Sensing of NOx and SO2 Emissions From Ocean-going Ships" in the July issue of Atmospheric Environment.
Jane Carlin, Collins Memorial Library, was profiled on the ACRL Arts blog of the American Library Association. Jane also wrote a story in the UK-based Book Arts Newsletter about a visit by two Seattle-based book associations to Tacoma's Arts & Crafts Press (p. 59).
Lynette Chandler, physical therapy, co-wrote the article "Movement Assessment of Children (MAC): Validity, Reliability, Stability, and Sensitivity to Change in Typically Developing Children" in the July issue of Child: Care, Health & Development.
Amy Fisher, science, technology, and society, co-wrote the special issue introduction "Emerging Prospects for History of the Physical Sciences" in the journal Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences.
Michael Johnson, art and art history, recently installed three public sculptures. One is located at Carillon Point in Kirkland, one at Chateau Ste. Michelle in Woodinville, and the third in Redmond, Ore. Last spring his work was exhibited in the 2016 Texas National in Nacogdoches, Texas. Currently Mike has two works in this year’s 13th Biennial Bellwether Sculpture Exhibition in Bellevue, and his work will be in the exhibition Elegant Simplicity at Nightingale Gallery at Eastern Oregon University this fall.
David Latimer, physics, co-wrote the article "Optical Dispersion of Composite Particles Consisting of Millicharged Constituents" in the August issue of Journal of Physics: G Nuclear & Particle Physics.
Donn Marshall, Counseling, Health, and Wellness Services, was quoted in the September issue of Currents magazine in a story about campus communications following a student suicide.
Elise Richman, art and art history, has a new exhibit at the Matter gallery positively critiqued by Tacoma WeeklyWeekly Volcano, and South Sound Arts Etc. blog.
Katherine Smith, history, published a review of Armsbearing and the Clergy in the History & Canon Law of Western Christianity in the July issue of Journal of Military History.
Political Science Quarterly will publish “`Whither We Are Tending…’ Interrogating the Retrenchment Narrative in U.S. Environmental Policy,” written by David Sousa, politics and government, and Christopher McGrory Klyza of Middlebury College. 
Justin Tiehen, philosophy, published the article "Physicalism Requires Functionalism: A New Formulation and Defense of the Via Negativa" in the journal Philosphy & Phenomenological Research.
John Woodward, education, wrote "The Concept of Magnitude and What It Tells Us About How Struggling Students Learn Fractions" for Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Sign up for our weekly media digest,"In the News," by emailing sskeel@pugetsound.edu
Brag about yourself
Happy 253 Day! Friday, Sept. 9, is the 253rd day of the year and an excellent excuse to celebrate being part of "the 253." Get yourself some Almond Roca, pop in a VHS of 10 Things I Hate About You, and watch our "How to Live in the City of Destiny" video. In other words revel in your Tacomaness. Pro Tip: 253 Day is usually Sept. 10, but February had 29 days this year. Oh, leap year.
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