BE PROUD noteworthy accomplishments
Roger Allen, physical therapy, along with Arista Ip, D.P.T.'18 and Eva Fazinni, D.P.T.'18, will present “Temporal Latency in Neuropathic Modulation of Phantom Limb Pain Intensity Due to the Psychogenic Release and Delayed Activation of Thyroxine,” at the Salk Institute’s 2018 Science Symposium on Biological Complexity: The Biology of Time. Their most recent work on the delayed neuroendocrine modulation of phantom limb pain is also one of 12 studies (from among more than 300) nominated for the 2018 Orthopaedic Section Research Poster Award at the American Physical Therapy Association’s upcoming Combined Sections Meeting. The winner of this award will be announced in New Orleans on Feb. 23.
The presentation "Keeping the Conversation Alive: Using Data to Drive Critical Discussion and Action," by Michael Benitez, diversity and inclusion, and Ellen Peters, institutional research, was named the 2017 Best Presentation by the Pacific Northwest Association for Institutional Research and Planning (PNAIRP). Michael and Ellen have been invited to present the talk at the national AIR Forum later this year.
Andrew Gardner, sociology and anthropology, published the article "Journey to Arabia: A Visual Essay," in Anthropology Now.
Douglas Sackman, history, wrote the article "Empire of Timber: Labor Unions and Pacific Northwest Forests," published in the journal American Historical Review.