Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
Phase 4 Starts Next Week
On Wednesday, August 12, the University begins Phase 4 of its return to work schedule. All departments that have an approved plan may continue to bring back staff to the workplace following all outlined safety protocols, social distancing, daily employee health self-screenings, and more, as outlined in our Return to the Workplace Plan.
RF or State employees with health-related or other employment questions should call the COVID-19 Information Line at (631) 632-5000 and choose Option 1 for the Health Information Line or Option2 to reach Human Resource Services (HRS) for general information regarding alternate work arrangements/locations and the use of accruals and leaves.
View the New Employee Health Screener Video
new video has been created to help educate employees on how to use the COVID-19 daily health screener. Screening should take place prior to arriving at the workplace. If home screening is not possible, it should be reflected in the screening tool.
Student Screening. There’s an App for That …
We anticipate having an app -- available in Apple’s App Store and in the Google Store on Android -- for student screening possibly as early as next week. The screener will ask for information, such as  symptoms and exposure. Stay tuned for more soon.
Face Masks Are Here
The “Stony Brook Strong” cloth face masks have been delivered to campus. Two of each will be made available to all students, faculty, and staff. They are being distributed by Student Affairs and building managers throughout the remainder of August.
Additional safety signage and collateral materials support, including face mask reminder cards and “table tents,” are being placed around campus. Extra copies of these materials can be ordered through the campus Fedex Office in the Melville Library by emailing or calling (631) 632-1831. See the Resources page on the Stony Brook Coming Back Safe and Strong website for more information.
In addition, for those who may have forgotten their masks, vending machines with face masks are being placed in the Student Health Services building, the SAC, the Student Union, and other locations to be determined.
Face Mask Champion Program Making Good Traction at SBUH
Thirty-eight face mask champions are now stationed in high-traffic areas around Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH) -- ready to educate employees who aren’t wearing their masks, or not wearing them properly. Training for champions includes how to approach non-compliant individuals in a non-confrontational way.
Recruitment for champions for a similar, interdepartmental program on West Campus kicks off next week. Those interested in volunteering should contact Cathrine Duffy, Director of Healthier U, at
Get the Answers to Your Travel Questions
Which states are considered the highest risk for COVID-19? Do I have to quarantine if I visit one of them?  Find the answers to these and other questions in travel advisory guidance in the ‘Travel’ section of the Coming Back Safe and Strong website.
Health and Safety Reminders
Please remember to: 
  • Keep at least six feet between yourself and others
  • Wear your face mask
  • Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds
    • Use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available
  • Clean, then disinfect, frequently used surfaces
  • Avoid touching your face and stay home if you’re sick!

    Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
Visit our continuously updated return to the workplace FAQs on our Coming Back Safe and Strong website, or send your questions to
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